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Annotation:Herrin' Brook Reel

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X:1 T:Herrin' Brook T:Herrinbrook Reel T:Herring Brook C:Tom Doucet (Nova Scotia/Boston) S:Transcribed from the playing of the Robichaud Brothers M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel D:https://www.slippery-hill.com/content/herring-brook D:Rounder 7016, "The Slippery Stick: Traditional Fiddling from New Brunswick" (1996) Z:Andrew Kuntz K:Bb SB2 dB FBdf|Bdfg fdBG |DFB(c/d/ e)cAc |FcAc gf=ef| =efdB FBdf| Bdfg fdBG |DFB(c/d/ e)cAc |1FcAc gfec:|2 FcAc gfec B2|| |:(3fga|bfdB FBdb|geBG EGcB|AcfA cf=ef| gf=ef efdf| bfdB FBdb|geBG EGcB|AcfA cf=ef|1 gfec B2:|2[M:2/4]gfecS||

HERRIN' BROOK REEL. AKA - "Herrinbrook Reel," "Herring Brook." Canadian, Reel. B Flat Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AA'BB'. "Herrin' Brook" was composed fiddler wikipedia:Tommy Doucet (1902-1992), originally from Digby County, Nova Scotia, but longtime resident of the greater Boston, Mass., region. Doucet called it simply his 'B flat reel' for some time, until he was asked what the title was by Henery Riendeau at his recording session for his 1975 LP "Downeast Star". Spontaneously, Doucet's replay was: "Just call it the Herrin' Brook!" There is a Herring Brook in Pembroke, eastern Massachusetts, that is a tributary to North River, emptying in Massachusetts Bay. True to its name the herring, or alewife, come to spawn each year in fresh water before returning to the sea. The Native American name for the region was Namassakeesett, or 'place of much fish', and it has been a fishery for centuries.

Additional notes
Source for notated version : - Tom Doucet (New Brunswick/eastern Mass.) and Don Roy [Phillips].

Printed sources : - Phillips (Traditional American Fiddle Tunes, vol. 1), 1994; p. 111.

Recorded sources : - Fiddler FRLP001, Tom Doucet - "The Down East Star" (1975). Rounder 7016, "The Slippery Stick: Traditional Fiddling from New Brunswick" (1996)

See also listing at :
Hear the Robichaud Brothers play the tune at Slippery Hill [1]
Hear Tom Doucet play the tune at youtube.com [2]

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