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<!-- THIS IS FOR SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION --> <!-- ************ DON'T TOUCH ************* --> {{#seo:¬¬¬¬ |keywords=fiddle tune finder, find recordings, irish fiddle tunes, original folk music, abc music finder, english country dance, old-time music |description=The semantic index of North American, British and Irish traditional instrumental music with annotations |image=TUC-160x120.png |image_alt=Traditional universal music }} <!-- ************ PLEASE!!!!! ************* --> <font face="sans-serif" size="4"> <div class="noprint"> <!-- SUBSTITUTE THE ABC NOTATION BELOW (BETWEEN THE <SECTION BEGIN /><SECTION END /> TAGS) WITH YOUR OWN NOTATION (IF ANY) --> [[ANNOTATION:{{PAGENAME}}|{{PAGENAME}}: Annotations]] </div> </font> <font face="sans-serif" size="2"> ---- <section begin=abc /> X: 41 T: Sir Ulick Burk B: A COLECTION of the most Celebrated Irish Tunes2 p.5a M: C| L: 1/8 K: Dm |:\ dcde f2(ed) | (cd)(cA) G2FE | F2FD FGAB | AGA^C DEFG | F2 (F/G/A) G2G2 | AGAd c3c | dcde fgfe | (ed)(dc) A4 | c2 (c/d/e) d2 (e/f/g) | (fe)(dc) A2(GF) | c2 (B/c/d) (cA)(FA) | (GF)(ED) D4 :| |:\ A,DDC DEFD | EDEC EFGE | F2c2 cdcG | A2d2 d4 | fefg (f/g/a) (gf) | edef (e/f/g) (fe) | dcde fefg | A2 (F/G/A) G4 | cAAd c2c2 | d2 (e/f/g) fe(dc) | AGAF (cA)(dA) | (GF)ED D4 :| <section end=abc /> <section begin=X2 /> X:1 T:Sir Ulick Burk M:C| L:1/8 B:Daniel Wright – Aria di Camera (London, 1727, No. 45) N:”being A Choice Collection of Scotch, Irish & Welsh Airs N:for the Violin and German Flute by the following masters N:Mr. Alex. Urquahart of Edinburgh, Mr. Dermot O'Connar of Limrick N:Mr. Hugh Edwards of Carmarthen” F: Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Gmin gfga b2 ag|(fg)(fd) c2 (BA)|B2 BG Bcde|dcdF GABc| B2 (B/c/d) c2c2|dcdg f3f|gfga bc'd'c'|(ag)(gf) d4| f2 (f/g/a) g2 (a/b/c')|(ba)(gf) d2 (cB)|f2 (e/f/g) (fd)(Bd)|(cB)(AG) G4:| |:DGGF GABG|AGAF ABcA|B2f fgfc|d2g2 g4| babc' (b/c'/d) (c'b)|agab (a/b/c') (ba)|gfga babc'|d2 (B/c/d) c4| fddg f2f2|g2 (a/b/)c' (ba)(gf)|(dc)(dB) (fd)(gd)|(cB)(AG) G4:|| <section end=X2 /> <section begin=X3 /> X:1 T:Sir Ulick Burk (sic) M:C| L:1/8 N:”Fron Neal’s collection.” S:Stanford/Petrie (1905), No. 730 Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Dmin dcde f2 (ed) | (cd) (cA) G2 FE | F2 FD FGAB | AGA^C DEFG | F2 F/G/A G2G2 | AGAd c3c | dcde fgfe | (ed) (dc) A4 | c2 (c/d/e) d2 (d/e/f) | fedc A2 (GF) | c2 (B/c/d) cA FA | GF ED D4 :| |: A,DDC DEFD | EDEC EFGE | F2c2 cdcG | A2d2d4 | {e}fefg (f/g/a) gf | edef e/f/g fe | dcde fefg | A2 (F/G/A) G4 | cAAd c2c2 | d2 (d/e/f) fe dc | AG AF cA dA | GF ED D4 :| <section end=X3 /> <section begin=X4 /> X:1 T:Planxty Sir Ulick Burke M:C L:1/8 R:Air Q:"Spirited" S:O’Neill – Music of Ireland (1903), No. 687 Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:D Minor d^cde f2 ed|cdcA G2 FE|F2 FD FGAB|AGA^C DEFG| A2 (3FGA G2G2|AGAd ~c3c|d^cde fgfe|eddc A4| c(3d/c/B/ ce d(3e/d/c/ de|fedc A2 GF|c2 B/c/d cAFA|GFED D4:| |:A,DDC DEFD|EDEC EFGE|F2c2 cdcG|A2d2 ~d3e| fefg f/g/a gf|e^def e/f/g fe|d^cde fefg|AG ^F/G/A G4| cAAd c2~c2|d(3e/d/^c/ de fedc|AGAF cAdA|GFED D4:| <section end=X4 /> <!-- FROM HERE ON YOU'RE ALLOWED TO ENTER MULTIPLE ABC NOTATED TUNES DUPLICATING <SECTION BEGIN /><SECTION END /> AS MUCH AS YOU NEED --> <section begin=X1 /> <section end=X1 /> </font> <font face="sans-serif" size="4"> <div class="noprint"> [[ANNOTATION:{{PAGENAME}}|{{PAGENAME}}: Annotations]] </div> </font> __NOTITLE__
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