MalcolmSchonfield's board-to-board with Andrew

Showing messages 1-4 of 4 messages.
posted 200 days ago

I see - the "plus" symbol ( 002B) isn't going through. It's sometimes replaced by either a line return or a space.

Here's a shortened URL for it:

posted 200 days ago

Hmm I see the long URL go a bit broken. Here's the bit that should go after ".html?":

lzw=BoLgBAjAUAKuCyBLAxgCwIYFMA2YDCA9tpgLboB2A5AM5gASBADgLQBSiA5lAErjXaJGYAFadwjAE4ESmcugAmmMNQAumRlADKCFBhxgA4gQllyW8ICICMJoDuAV3IcwACgBEgFg3AGrvvAprvvAdrtevgEAvEF 3n7 rgCUYABmxsrSmAA0YABGdipg5AQ56NjY6QTxYCqoSgCOdugAbpgSYIzoiBLUAHTmYFYACtjoAJ6Y8gkEdk0qiDK0BOTllWASmMjG8oiOXQBaIOgZyMwqEhTUyBKCU3Ng8IWr2CTWaHPxiDjyAKRgAEwADF8AzMwfgAOIEAdigOz2B1WjEG5w4qByeDwYAAQgBNZgAOVRXw6PxcSJUjGoIAA9OSzph0FMGqsSCQ5p1jBxyQJkLJqJhqOSMoNmORkOT8T9yfEJOTFCMOrIYlAACI6NA03BGEwUMAwRaaAQcAj4DAkRiIK7OCAATgAbAAWeVK666LBq4ymMAAQXIowA6ogioN8AMhQHAMgEYAAkudqKgwOwONR0txMDhaAAyejGcgmxg8sBJ1YSRSjcPzSM4Cijc0WgCsVvl8HA-3JNqgABlwBBycCoABpcDusAkRAADwIUHe1BsGycPw61bAPygAG1eiB3QBdKDyJwAHzAmAHAC8vmAwABRBVgPdno9o0-IUZ7g9gY-ny-XgwvgBihjvO6gz6vheV7nreYAPiBgEnm IFnp h4-ju-4riAaKbgYf77ugL5OOgu5YS J4cEoe7bi ZQcCee54WAxFgGR-40jhYA0U 2GvnRpFOIeFFUSxTgcAAhAqHR4B0gkkeuQA&format=noten&ssp=10&pdf=incipits&pn=none&fp=yes&name=Michael_Colemans_Hop-Jig&play=1

posted 200 days ago

Hi Andrew,

My reference is an old recording where the rhythm, although it's swung to some extent, is quite far away from the 𝅘𝅥 𝅘𝅥𝅮 pattern that's conveyed by 9/8. Often the two notes are hardly 'swung' at all. Perhaps I should have given a link where it can be heard: - or I could also give a youtube link if you like.

There are parallels between Hop Jigs and Hornpipes regarding the dotted rhythms, and Hornpipes are commonly written in 4/4 or 2/4. So I do think it makes sense to write it this way. Hop jigs are less common than normal Slip Jigs. I can give another example where using 3/4 made more sense than 9/8: a transcription of the Silver Slipper I put out here:

Regarding playback software. Over-reliance on software is to be avoided IMO. Here I prefer to keep the score as-is, because I feel it's the best way of transcribing the music, even if the current version of the software can't play it correctly. Actually, my score (well, a slightyl adapted version of it) can be played in a more or less rhythmically acceptable fashion by at least one online tool. Here's a link, all you have to do is open it and press play. 3n7 rgCUYABmxsrSmAA0YABGdipg5AQ56NjY6QTxYCqoSgCOdugAbpgSYIzoiBLUAHTmYFYACtjoAJ6Y8gkEdk0qiDK0BOTllWASmMjG8oiOXQBaIOgZyMwqEhTUyBKCU3Ng8IWr2CTWaHPxiDjyAKRgAEwADF8AzMwfgAOIEAdigOz2B1WjEG5w4qByeDwYAAQgBNZgAOVRXw6PxcSJUjGoIAA9OSzph0FMGqsSCQ5p1jBxyQJkLJqJhqOSMoNmORkOT8T9yfEJOTFCMOrIYlAACI6NA03BGEwUMAwRaaAQcAj4DAkRiIK7OCAATgAbAAWeVK666LBq4ymMAAQXIowA6ogioN8AMhQHAMgEYAAkudqKgwOwONR0txMDhaAAyejGcgmxg8sBJ1YSRSjcPzSM4Cijc0WgCsVvl8HA-3JNqgABlwBBycCoABpcDusAkRAADwIUHe1BsGycPw61bAPygAG1eiB3QBdKDyJwAHzAmAHAC8vmAwABRBVgPdno9o0-IUZ7g9gY-ny-XgwvgBihjvO6gz6vheV7nreYAPiBgEnm IFnp h4-ju-4riAaKbgYf77ugL5OOgu5YS J4cEoe7bi ZQcCee54WAxFgGR-40jhYA0U 2GvnRpFOIeFFUSxTgcAAhAqHR4B0gkkeuQA&format=noten&ssp=10&pdf=incipits&pn=none&fp=yes&name=Michael_Colemans_Hop-Jig&play=1

It works because the author of this tool, Micheal Eskin, has put some work into integrating 'swing' instructions with MIDI output. It's pretty powerful I think. To get it to work in this case I had to get rid of the endings of the tied notes because that seems to be incompatible with the swung MIDI output.

About making the instruction to swing the music, I'm not sure how I can make it more prominent but I'm open to suggestions.

Finally, I really do apologise for the long delay in getting back to you on your comments. As you can see it's not so simple; and I thought it would be better to go into some detail in answering, and I've been putting off answering for some time. Sorry again!



PS Just for the record, here on, I haven't so far mentioned a related topic which is that of the downbeat in the Michael Gorman recording - I can't hear it like it supposed to be. I go into some detail about that in a discussion here: - my score on is like the one here on but the downbeat is shifted - because that's the way I hear Michael Gorman play it! (I don't hear it that way when it's recorded in a similar style by Jimmy Power at roughly the same period:

posted 331 days ago

Hi Malcolm. I've made an administrative move of "Michael Coleman's Hop Jig" to merge it with "Promenade (1)," as we are trying to consolidate, albeit slowly, some of our entries so as to cut down on unnecessary navigation between pages. I must say, though, on playing through your transcription, that I found it difficult to place in the context of a slip/hop jig, which is usually transcribed in 9/8 time. When the 9/8 version and your 3/4 version are played one after the other (as you can do on the "ABC Sandbox" feature of the TTA by cutting and pasting the abc's ) there is a rhythmic disconnect. However, you do indicate that the quavers are to be 'swung' and there is no way to do that on the playback software we have. If this is perhaps the issue, may I recommend that the direction to swing the music be made somehow more prominent?