For the Lack of Gold: Difference between revisions
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Conor Ward (talk | contribs) No edit summary |
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{{Abctune | {{Abctune | ||
|f_tune_title=For the Lack of Gold | |f_tune_title=For the Lack of Gold | ||
|f_aka=For Lack of Gold She's Left Me, For lack o' Gould she left me, For the Sake of Gold | |f_aka=Banks of the Nile (The), For Lack of Gold She's Left Me, For lack o' Gould she left me, For the Sake of Gold | ||
|f_country=Scotland | |f_country=Scotland | ||
|f_genre=Scottish | |f_genre=Scottish |
Latest revision as of 17:55, 15 January 2024
X:1 T:For lak of Gold I lost her M:C L:1/8 Q:"Brisk" B:Oswald - Caledonian Pocket Companion, Book 3 (1760, p. 4) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:D FE|D3F ABdA|B2 e4 dB|d2 a2 fdbd|f2 a4d2| gaba fgaf|gfed e2 (d/e/f)|D3F ABdA|B2d4:| |:de|fdeB dABF|E2e4 fa|bafb adbd|f2a4d2| gaba fgaf|afed Te2 (d/e/f)|D3F ABdA|B2 d4:| P:Variations |:(FE)|D3F AFdA|B2e2 (fe)(dB)|(de)(fg) (af)(ed)|(fg)(ab) a2d2| gdbd fdad|bagf efde|fdef dBAF|A2d4:| |:(de)|f>d (e/d/B) d>A (B/A/F)|E2 (ef) e2 fa|(b/a/g) (f/e/d) (a/f/d) bd|(g/a/b) Gg (f/g/a) Fa| (b/g/e) (a/f/d) Te2 (d/e/f)|DEFG Afed|B2 (de) d2:| P:Giga M:6/8 L:1/8 (F/E/)|D2F (AF)D|E2e (ed)B|def afd|Tf2a afd| (g/a/b)g (f/g/a)f|Te2d ede|fed BAG|A2d d2:| |:e|fed BAF|E2e efa|baf afd|Tf2a afd| (g/f/g/a/)g (f/e/f/g/)f|afd Tede|fed BAF|A2d d2:|]
X:1 T:For the lack of Gold she left me M:C L:1/8 R:Air Q:"Lively" S:McGibbon - Scots Tunes, book III, pp. 90-91 (1762) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:D (F>E) | D3F A>BdA | B2 (e>f) Te2 (d>B) | d2a2 (fa)(bd) | f2 (a>b) Ta2d2 | (g>ab)g (f>ga)f | (gf)T(ed) e2 (d/e/f) | D3F (A>B)dA | B2 (d>e) d2 :| |: d>e | fdeB dABF | E2 (e>f) e2 (fa) | bafb adbd | f2 (a>b) a2d2 | g>abg f>gaf | (gf)(ed) Te2 (d/e/f) | D3F ABdA | B2 (d>e)d2 :| |:T(F>E) | D3F (AB/c d/c/d/A/) | B2 (e>f) e2 (dB) | (d/e/f/g/ a)d (f/d/c/d/) (b/d/c/d/) | f2 (a>b) a3f | (g/f/g/a/ b)g T(f/e/f/g/ a)f | (gf)(ed) Te2 (d/e/f) | D3F (AB/c/ d/c/d/A/) | B2 (d>e) d2 :| |: d>e | (f/e/d) (e/d/B) (d/B/A) (B/c/d/F/) | E2 (e>f) e2 (fa) | ba (f/b/a/b/) (a/d/c/d/) (b/d/c/d/) | f2 (a>b) a3f | (g/f/g/a/) (g/b/a/g/) T(f/e/f/g/) (f/a/g/f/) | (g/a/f/g/) (e/f/d/f/) e2 (d/e/f) | D3F (AB/c/) dA | B2 (d>e) d2 :: F>E |
X:2 T:For the Sake of Gold M:C L:1/8 Q:"Moderately" R:Air B:James Aird – Selection of Scotch, English, Irish and Foreign Airs, vol. 3 (Glasgow, 1788, No. 576, p. 220) N:”Humbly dedicated to the Volunteers and Defensive Bands of Great Britain and Ireland” Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:D F>E|D3F A>BdA|B2 e>f e2 dB|d2 a2 f>gad|f2 a>b a2 zd| g>abg f>gaf|gfed {d}e2 de/4f/4|D3F A>BdA|B2 d>e d2|| d>e|fdeB dABF|E2 e>f Te2 fa|bafb adbd|f2 a>b Ta2 gf| g>abg f>gaf|gfed {f}e2 de/f/|D3F A>BdA|B2 d>e d2:|]
X:3 T:For the Lack of Gold M:C L:1/8 R:Air S:O'Farrell - Pocket Companion, vol. 1 (c. 1805) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:D FE | D3F ABdA | B2 e>f e2 dB | d2a2 fabd | f2 a>b a3d | g>abg f>gaf | gfTed e2 de/f/ | D3F A>BdA | B2 d>ed2 :| |: de | fdeB dABF | E2 e>f e2 fa | bafb adbd | f2 a>b a2d2 | g>abg fgaf | gfed Te2 de/f/ | D2 DF ABdA | B2 d>e d2 :||
X:4 T:For lack o' Goud she left me M:C L:1/8 R:Air S:John Rook ms., 1840 (Waverton, Cumbria) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:D FE|D3F (A>B)dA|B2 (e>f) e2 (dB)|d2a f>gae|f2 a>b a2 zd| (g>ab)g (f>ga)f|(gf)(ed) Te2 df|D3F A>BdA|B2 (e>f) d2:| |:d>e|(fd)(eB) (dA)(BF)|E2e2e2 (fa)|(ba)(fb) adbd|f2 (a>b) a2 (gf)| (g>a)bg (f>ga)f|(gf)(ed) e2 d/e/f|D3F (A>B)dA|B2 (d>e) d2:|]
X:1 T:For lack of gold he left me O M:C| L:1/8 R:Air B:James Goodman music manuscript collection, vol. 4 (mid-19th century, p. 65) B: N:Canon James Goodman (1828-1896) was a Church of Ireland clergyman, N:uilleann piper and a collector of Irish music and songs. Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:C ED|C3E G>AcG|A2 d>e d2 cA|c2g2 e>fgc|e2 g>a g2zc| f>gaf e>fge|fedc {e}d2 cd/e/|C3E GAcG|A2 c>d c2z:| |:c>d|ecdA c2 GE|D2 d>e d2 eg|agea g2c2|efga g2 fe| fgaf efge|fedc {d}d2 cd/e/|C3E G>AcG|A2 c>d c3:|]