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d2B c2A|B2G A2F|E2E cBc|E2F G2E :|
d2B c2A|B2G A2F|E2E cBc|E2F G2E :|
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T:Nora Creina
B:”Melodist: A Collection of music in two volumes" (1826-1859, No. 81, p. 44)
N:The melodist is a musician's ms., probably by a fiddler, that contains both
N:tunes and songs from a variety of sources, American and European. The
N:inscription on the inside cover reads, "This is from the Bridge family of
N:Augusta, Maine (Horatio Bridge, friend of Hawthorne's)". However, entries in
N:the ms. were in different hands indicating several contributors.
N:The ms. is neat and the notation studied and precise.
F: https://archive.org/details/Melodist/page/n21/mode/2up?view=theater
Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion
G2G G2A|B2G d2B|G2G G2B|A2B {d}c2A|
G2G G2A|B2G d2B|A2=f f2f|A2B {d}c2A!fermata!!fine!||
d2d d2c|B2G d2B|d2d d2c|A2B {d}c2A|
d2d d2c|B2G d2B|A2=f f2f|A2B {d}c2A!D.C.!||
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Latest revision as of 15:06, 12 February 2024

Nóra Críona (1)  Click on the tune title to see or modify Nóra Críona (1)'s annotations. If the link is red you can create them using the form provided.Browse Properties <br/>Special:Browse/:Nóra Críona (1)
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 Theme code Index    1135 1124
 Also known as    Wise Nora, Nora Chreena, Nóra Críonna, Nora Creina, Norah Creina, Hushed be sorrow's sigh, Lesbia hath a beaming eye, Metal Bridge, Norah Jig, Old Nora, Lancers Quadrilles Second Figure (2)
 Composer/Core Source    
 Region    Ireland
 Genre/Style    Irish
 Meter/Rhythm    Jig/Quadrille, Slide
 Key/Tonic of    G
 Accidental    1 sharp
 Mode    Ionian (Major)
 Time signature    6/8, 12/8
 Editor/Compiler    Biography:O'Farrell
 Book/Manuscript title    Book:Pocket Companion vol. 1
 Tune and/or Page number    pp. 60-61
 Year of publication/Date of MS    c. 1805
 Artist    Tom Ennis
 Title of recording    Ragan's Jig/Nora Greena
 Record label/Catalogue nr.    Columbia 33394-F (78 RPM)
 Year recorded    1929
 Score   (1)   

X: 1 T: Nora Creena T: Nora Crionna N: O'Farrell's Pocket Companion v.1 (Sky ed. p.41-42) M: 6/8 L: 1/8 R: jig F:http://john-chambers.us/~jc/music/book/OFPC/jig/NoraCreena.abc K: D DED D2G|A2D A2F|DED D2F|E2F G2E| DED D2G|F2D A2F|EFE cBc|E2F G2E :| |:D2A A2G|F2D A2F|D2A A2F|E2F G2E| D2A A2F|D2B B2G|EFE cBc|E2F G2E :| |:ded d2g|f2d g2e|ded d2f|e2f g2e| ded d2B|ced c2G|EFE cBc|E2F G2E :| |:D2d dcd| F2D A2F|D2d dcd|E2F G2E| d2B c2A|B2G A2F|E2E cBc|E2F G2E :|

X:1 T:Nora Creina M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Air B:”Melodist: A Collection of music in two volumes" (1826-1859, No. 81, p. 44) N:The melodist is a musician's ms., probably by a fiddler, that contains both N:tunes and songs from a variety of sources, American and European. The N:inscription on the inside cover reads, "This is from the Bridge family of N:Augusta, Maine (Horatio Bridge, friend of Hawthorne's)". However, entries in N:the ms. were in different hands indicating several contributors. N:The ms. is neat and the notation studied and precise. F: https://archive.org/details/Melodist/page/n21/mode/2up?view=theater Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G G2G G2A|B2G d2B|G2G G2B|A2B {d}c2A| G2G G2A|B2G d2B|A2=f f2f|A2B {d}c2A!fermata!!fine!|| d2d d2c|B2G d2B|d2d d2c|A2B {d}c2A| d2d d2c|B2G d2B|A2=f f2f|A2B {d}c2A!D.C.!||

X:1 T:Nora Creina M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Air Q:"With lightness & expression" B:J. Clinton – Gems of Ireland: 200 Airs (1841, No. 81, p. 41) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:D .d2.d .d2.e|(f2d) (a2f)|.d2.d (d2f)|.e2.f {a}(g2e)| .d2.d .d2.e|(f2d) (a2f)|(e2=c') c'2c'|.e2.f {a}(g2e)| .a2.a (a2g)|(f2d) (a2f)|.a2.a (a2f)|(e2f) {a}(g2e)| .d2.d .d2.e|(f2d) (a2f)|.d2.d {e}(dcd)|(e2f) {a}(g2e)| .d2.d .d2.e|(f2d) (a2f)|(e2=c') .c'2.c'|(e2f) {a}(g2e)||

X:1 T:Nora Criona [1] M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Jig Q:"Allegretto" B:P.M. Haverty – One Hundred Irish Airs vol. 2 (1858, No. 175, p. 79) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:F F2F F2G|A2F (c2A)|F2F (F2A)|G2A {c}B2G| F2F F2G|A2F (c2A)|G2_e e2e|(G2A) {c}[G2B2]G|| c2 c c2B|A2F (c2A)|c2c c2A|(G2A) {c}B2G| c2c c2B|A2F (c2A)|G2_e e2e|G2(A {c}B2)G||

X:1 T:Nóra Críona (1) M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Jig S:James Goodman (1828─1896) music manuscript collection, S:vol. 3, p. 83. Mid-19th century, County Cork Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G d|GAG G2c|B2G d2B|GAG G2B|A2B dcA| GAG G2c|B2G ABc|d2e fef|A2B dcA:| |:ded d2c|B2G d2B|ded dcB|A2B cBA| ded d2c|B2G ABc|d2e fef|A2B dcA:| |:BGB GBG|BGB dcA|BGB GBG|AFA dcA| BGB GBG|BGB ABc|d2e fef|A2B dcA:| |:gag g2c|B2G d2B|gag g2B|AFA dcA| |1 gag g2c|B2G ABc|d2e fef|A2B dcA:| |2 g2e f2d|e2c def|gfe def|gdB dcA|| BBB BBB|BBB dcA|BBB BBB|A2B dcA| BBB BBB|BBB ABc|d2e fef|A2B dcA:|]

X:1 T:Nóra óg M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Jig N:A version of "Nora Criona [1]" S:James Goodman (1828─1896) music manuscript collection, S:vol. 3, p. 125. Mid-19th century, County Cork Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:D DED F2D|G2E F2D|DED F2D|E2F G2E| DED F2D|G2E F2D|A2D FED|E2F G2E:| |:A2D FED|A2D FED|A2D FED|E2F G2E| A2D FED|A2D FED|ABA d2F|E2F G2E:| |:faf d2g|faf d3|faf d2f|e2f g2e| faf d3|faf d3|gfe f2d|e2f g2e:| |:F2d d3|ABA d3|F2d d2F|E2F G2E| F3 d3|ABA d3|dcB cAF|E2F G2E:|]

X:1 T:Nora Crina T:Nóra Críonna M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Jig B:Finnegan/Curtin Manuscript (Sliabh Luachra, Co. Cork, mid-19th century, No. 58, pp. 23-24) B: https://www.itma.ie/digital-library/manuscript/finnegan-curtin-manuscript N:The ms. predates the introduction of quadrille-based polkas and slides that N:now characterize the music of Sliabh Luachra region, thought to have been N:introduced in the latter 19th century. S:Breandán Breathnach (1912-85) obtained the ms. from E. Finnegan, who had it S:from D. Curtin of Stagmount, Rockchapel, Co Cork. K:D DED D2E|F2D AGE|DED D2F|E2F GFE| DED D2E|F2D EFG|A2B cBc|E2F GFE:| |:D2A A2G|F2D AGE|D2A A2F|E2F GFE| D2A A2G|F2 D EFG|A2B cBc|E2F GFE:| D2d dAG|F2D AGE|D2d dAF|E2f GFE| D2d dAG|F2D EFG|A2B cBc|E2F GFE| D2d dAGF|F2D AGE|D2d dAF|E2F GFE| D2B c2A|B2G AGF|E3 cBc|E2F GFE|| |:DFA DFA|cEG cEG|DFA DFA|dAF GFE| DFA DFA|cEG cEG|cBc ABc|dAF GFE:| |:FDF DFD|FDF A2G|FDF DFD|E2F GFE| FDF DFD|FDF EFG|A2B cBc|E2F GFE:|]

X:3 T:Nora Creina [1] T:Nóra Críonna (1) L:1/8 M:6/8 S:Kerr/Cole K:Gmix g2G G2A|B2G d2B|g2G G2B|A2B cBA| g2G G2A|B2G d2B|A2=f fef|A2B cBA:| |:ddd d2c|B2G d2B|ddd d2B|A2B cBA| ddd d2c|B2G d2B|A2=f fef|A2B cBA:|

X:2 T:Wise Nora M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Jig S:O'Neill - Dance Music of Ireland: 1001 Gems (1907), No. 126 Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:G D|GAG G2A|B2G d2B|GAG G2B|A2B dcA| GAG G2A|BAG ABc|d2e fef|A2B cBA:| |:ded d2c|B2G d2B|ded d2B|A2B cBA| ded d2c|BAG ABc|d2e fef|A2B cBA:| |:BGG dGG|BAG dBG|AFF cFF|AFA cBA| BGG dGG|BAG ABc|d2e fef|A2B cBA:| |:GBd GBd|GBd dcB|GBd GBd|A2B cBA| GBd GBd|GBd dcB|GBd fef|A2B cBA:| |:GBd gfg|agf g2|GBd g2B|A2B cBA| GBd gfg|agf g2 g/a/|bag agf|A2B cBA:| |:dBG GDG|BGB d2B|dBG GDG|A2B cBA| dBG GDG|BGB dcB|GBdd fef|A2B cBA:|

X:1 T:Nóra Chríonna M:12/8 L:1/8 R:slide D:The Smoky Chimney, track 1(c) K:D DED D2 E F2 D A2 F|DED D2 F E2 F G2 E| DED D2 E F2 D A2 F|1E2 c cBc E2 F G2 E:| [2E2 c cBc E2 F G2 F||:E2 A A2 G F2 D D2 F| ABA A2 G E2 F G2 F|E2 A A2 G F2 D DEF| [1E2 c cBc E2 F G2 F:|2E2 c cBc E2 F GFE|D3-D3 z6||

X: 1 T:Nora Creena T:Old Nora R:slide Z:id:hn-slide-58 M:6/8 L:1/8 F:http://trillian.mit.edu/~jc/music/abc/mirror/terra.es/personal8/niltoni/n-o.abc K:D D3 D2E|FED A2F|DED D2F|E2F GFE| D3 D2E|FED A2F|~E3 cBc|E2F GFE:| |:ABA A2G|F2D A2F|ABA A2F|E2F GFE| ABA A2G|F2D A2F|~E3 cBc|E2F GFE:|