Hangman's ReelClick on the tune title to see or modify Hangman's Reel's annotations. If the link is red you can create them using the form provided.Browse Properties <br/>Special:Browse/:Hangman's Reel
T:Hangman's Reel
N:AEae Tuning
N:Notated as it would be fingered if played in standard tuning, not as it actually sounds
N:The second time through the last part may be played an octave lower.
Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion
(D/|A/)D/A/(A/ B/)A/B|c/B/c/(A/ B/)A/B|AA B/A/B/B/|c/B/c/c/ B>B|
AA BB|c/B/c/A/ B(A/B/|c/)B/c/A/ B/A/B|(D/A)(D/ A):|
|:(A/|e/)(A/c/)(A/|e/)(A/c/)(A/|B/)A/B/B/ c/B/A|ec ec|B/A/B/(B/ A:|
(A|:B>)(A B)(A|A/)B/c/A/ B/A/E|(A/B)(A/ B/)A/B|e/f/e/(d/ c/B/)A:|
|:c/B/c dd|cc/c/ d/c/d|cc d/c/d|c/B/c/A/ BB|
c/B/c d/c/d c/B/c d/c/d|c/B/c B/A/B|D/AD/ A2:||