Humors of Passage (1) (The)
Tune annotations
X:1 % T:Humours of Passage, The M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Jig B:R.M. Levey – First Collection of the Dance Music of Ireland (1858, No. 48, p. 19) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G "Quick"(E/F/)|G2G GEG|A2 A AFA|BcB BAF|B2E E2F| GAG GEG|ABA AFA|BcB BAF|A2D D2:| |:f|g2e faf|g2e e2f|gfg ege|f2d d2f| g2e faf|gfg efg|fdB BAF|A2D D2:|]
X:2 % T:Humours of Passage [1] M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Jig S:James Goodman manuscripts (mid-19th century) B:Hugh Shields - Tunes of the Munster Pipers, No. 454 (1998) K:Edor G3 GFG|A3 AGA|B3 BAB|B2E E3|G3 GFG| A2A AGA|BcB BAG|F2D D3::g2e e2f|g2e e2g| f2d ded|ded d2f|g2e a2f|f2d edB|BcB BAG|A2E E3:||
X:1 % T:Humors of Passage [1], The M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Jig S:O'Neill - Music of Ireland (1903), No. 940 Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:Emin E/F/ | G2G GEG | A2A AGA | BcB BAG | B2E EEF | GAG GEG | ABA AGA | BcB cBA | BEE E2 :| |: f | g2e faf | g2e e2f | gfg ege | f2d d2f | g2e faf | gfg efg | fdB cBA | BEE E2 :||