England/North East"England/North East" is not in the list (IRELAND(Munster), IRELAND(Connaught), IRELAND(Leinster), IRELAND(Ulster), SCOTLAND(Argyll and Bute), SCOTLAND(Perth and Kinross), SCOTLAND(Dumfries and Galloway), SCOTLAND(South Ayrshire), SCOTLAND(North East), SCOTLAND(Highland), ...) of allowed values for the "Has historical geographical allegiances" property.
CROOKED BAWBEE, THE. Scottish, English; Air, Waltz. G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). One part. A 'bawbee' is a term for a halfpence or ha'penny, especially in Scotland. Although originally a Scottish song air (with alternating verses sung by a man and a woman), it has become part of the Northumbrian piping repertoire.
O whaur awa' got ye that auld crookit penny, For ane o' bright gowd would ye niffer wi' me; Right fu' are baith ends o' my green silken wallet, And braw will yer hame be in bonnie Glen Shee.
Printed source: Raven (English Country Dance Tunes), 1984; p. 135.
X: 1
T: Crooked Bawbee, The
M: 3/4
L: 1/4
R: waltz
K: Gmaj
|:G>B d g>f e|dAc c<B d|G>B d ceg|
B>c A/F/ G2D|B>A G G>B d|cde d<Bd|
gce d>GA|1B>cA/F/ G2D:|2B>c A/F/ G2G/A/||
|:B>A B c>B c|f>e d d<B G|
G>F G G>F G|B>A G A2G/A/|
B>A B c>B c|f>e d d<B G|
E>G G D>G G|1F>G A/F/ G2G/A/:|2F>G A/F/G2D||