Lady Madelina Palmer's Strathspey (2)
Tune annotations
X:1 % T:Lady Madelina Palmer's Strathspey [2] M:C| L:1/8 R:Strathspey B:J. Anderson - Anderson's Budget of Strathspeys, Reels & Country Dances B: for the German Flute or Violin (Edinburgh, 1820, p. 15) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:D b|a>df>d (f/g/a) b2|ad (b/a/)(g/f/) e2 (eb)|a>df>d (f/g/a) b2| a>df>e (ed) d2:||(b/c'/)|d'>ab>a (b/c'/d') e'2|d'/c'/b/a/ bf e2 (ec')| d'>ab>a (3bc'd' (3c'd'e'|d'/c'/b/a/ b/c'/d'/a/ d'2 (a/b/c')|d'bc'a bgaf| ge'fd' e2 (eg)|(f/g/a) b2 (f/g/a) d'2|ddf>e ed d||