Virgin Queen
X:1 T:Virgin Queen,The. (p)1702.PLFD.502 M:9/4 L:1/4 Q:3/4=120 S:Playford, Dancing Master, 11th Ed.,1702. O:England Z:Chris Partington. K:C (cB)A(AE)A(AE)A|(cB)A(AE)A(BG)B| (cB)A(AE)A(AE)A|B2G(GB)G(BG)B:| |:c>decBA(AE)A|c>decd/c/B/A/BGB| c>decBAAEA|B>cdB/c/d/c/B/A/BGB:|
X:1 T:Virgin Queen, The M:9/8 L:1/8 S:Chappell - Popular Music of the Olden Time, vol. 2, p. 74 A:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:A E|A>Bc AFF (AF)F|A>Bc (AF)F G2E| A>Bc AFF (AF)F|G>AB BcB G2:|| E|A>Bc ecc (ec)c|(A>B)c ecc e2B| A>Bc gee gee|G>AB (Bc)B G2||