Loudon's Bonnie Woods
Tune annotations
X:1 T:Loudon's Bonnie Woods M:4/4 L:1/8 R:Highland Schottische B:Kerr's Merry Melodies vol. 1 (c. 1875, No. 6, p. 19) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:G G2 G>G B<d d2 | c>AB>G A>G F<D | G2 G>G B<d d2 | e<g f<a g2g2|| g>ab>g a>g (f<d)|e>fg>e d<B B<G|g>ab>g a>g (f<d)|e<g f<a g2g2| g>ab>g a>gf>d|e>fg>e d<B B>A|G2 G>G (B<d) d2|e<g f<a g2g2||
X:2 T:Loudon's Bonnie Braes,aka. RHu.086 T:Indian Polka,aka. RHu.086 S:R.Hughes MS,1823,Whitchurch,Shrops. A:Whitchurch, Shropshire Z:Neil Brookes 2006 M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:1/2=100 R:Reel N:Untitled in MS F:http://www.village-music-project.org.uk/abc/HughesR.abc K:G G2GB d2dB|cABG AFD2|G2GBd2d2|egfa g2g2::! g2bg af d2|efge dBG2|g2bg af d2|egfa g2g2|! g2 bg agfd|efge dcBA|G2GB d2d2|egfa g2g2|]
X:3 C:Page 32 S:Matthew Betham MS, Towcett Cumbria, 1815 O:England;Cumbria;Towcett Z:VMP - Hugh Taylor, 2012 T:Loudon's Bonnie Banks and Braes,aka. MBe.62 M:C L:1/8 Q:1/4=120 R:.Reel N:Someone has written after the title, in another hand, "Loudon's bonnie banks and Braes" N:NB4-The 'g' note is written as a quaver, not a semiquaver N:NB5-The 'd' note is written dotted, and I have removed it. F:http://www.village-music-project.org.uk/abc/betham.abc 2013-01-27 165200 UT K:G D2|:!segno! G<GG<G B<d-~d2|c>AB>G {F/G/} AGFD|G>GG>G B<d-~d2|e>g f/g/a/f/ g/a/b/a/ g<b:| fgb<g a>gfd|ee{f}g<e d>cBG|f<g~b<g agf(d|e)>"^NB4"g f/a/a/f/ g2 ga/b/| c'<ab>g ageg|e/d/c/B/ g>B c/B/A/G/ A>B|\ G<GG<G (B<"^NB5"d) d2|f>g .f/.g/.a/.f/ a/g/f/e/ d/c/B/A/!D.S.!|]