Banks of Banna (The)
Tune annotations
X:1 T:Banks of Banna M:C L:1/8 R:Air N:”Slow and with feeling” B:J. Clinton – Gems of Ireland:200 Airs (1841, No. 78, p./ 39) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Eb (.e3.f .g2) (gf)|(e2B2) B4|((c2B)e2 df/)e/|(d3c).B4| .e3.e (eg)(gb)|(B3c) (cBAG)|(ABcd efe).A|G2TF2E4|| (G3F) (G3A)|B2 (Bc/B/) (B3=B)|(c2_B2e2) (df/e/)|d/d'/c'/b/ =a/f/e/c/ (B=A/B/ =B/c/^c/d/)| .e3.e (eg)(gb)|(B3c) (c>B){B}(AG)|(AB).c.d (e{fed}e/)f/ !fermata!gA|G2 TF2 {=EF}!fermata!E4||
X:2 T:Banks of Banna M:4/4 L:1/8 B:Flannagan - Hibernia Collection (Boston, 1860) N:This is one of Elias Howe's publications Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:C c3d e2(ed)|c2G2G4|A2G2c2 B(d/c/)|B2A2G4| c3c (ce) (eg)|G2A (AG) (FE)|(FG)AB (cBc)F|E2D2C4|| E3D E3F|G2 G(A/G/) G4|A2G2c2 B(d/c/)|B2A2G4| c2c2 (ce) (eg)|(G2G)A (AGFE)|(FGAB) (cBc)F|E2D2C4||
X:1 T:Banks of Banna, The M:C L:1/8 N:"Moderately" S:O'Neill - Music of Ireland (1903) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:C c3d e2 ed|c2G2 G4|A2G2 c2 B{d}c|B2A2 G4| c3c ceeg|G3A AGFE|FGAB cdcF|E2D2C4|| E3D E2F2|G2 {B}A>G G4|A2G2 c2 B{d}c|B2A2 G4| c2 c2 ceeg|G3A AGFE|FGAB cdcF|E2D2 C4||