Earl of Eglinton (1)
Tune annotations
X:1 % T:Earl of Eglintoun's [1], The M:C L:1/8 R:Strathspey C:Nathaniel Gow S:Gow - First Collection of Niel Gow's Reels (1784) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:E G|E(BB>)G E>eg>f|e<c TB>G cFF>G|E(BB>)G E>eg>e| Tc>d~e>f {ef}ge e:||a|g>ef>g a>fg>e|c<B a>g a(ff>)a| Tg>edB (c/B/c/d/) e>c|B>df>a gee>a|g>e c<e B<eB<G| A<c TB>G cF~F>G|E>GF>A G>BA>c|(Be)(df) e(EE)||
X:2 % T:Earl of Eglinton's Strathspey, The M:C| L:1/8 R:Strathspey B:Köhlers’ Violin Repository, Book 2 (1881-1885, p. 118) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:E G|E<GB>G E>eg>f|.e>.cB>G c<FF>G|E<GB>G E>eg>e| c>de>f g<e [Be]:||a|g<ef>g a>fg>e|c>Ba>g a<ff>a| .e>.cB>G c/B/c/d/ e>c|B>df>a g<ee>a|g>ec<e B<eB>G| A<cB>G c<FF>G|E>G F>A G>B A>c|B>ed>f e<E [B,E]||