John O'Dwyer of the Glen (4)
Tune annotations
X:1 % T:John Heir of the Glen T:John O'Dwyer of the Glen [4] M:3/4 L:1/8 Q:"Affetuoso" B:Bunting - General Collection of the Ancient Music of Ireland (1796, No. 30, p. 17) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:G (g>a b)g (b/a/)(g/f/)|(e>f e/d/)c/B/ gB|T(d>e d)(c/B/) (c/B/)~(A/G/)|TA2 BB B d| g>a bd' c'/b/a/g/|e>f (g/f/)(e/d/) gB|Td>e dc/B/ c/B/~A/G/|{B}(A/G/A/>B/) GG G:| |:g/e/|dd d2 (d/e/f/)~g/|aa a2 z2|(g>a b)g ag/f/|(e>f e/d/).B !fermata!B d| (g>a b).d' (c'/b/)(a/g/)|~e>f (e/d/c/B/) (gB)|!fermata!g>e dB (c/B/A/G/)|(A/G/A/B/ G).G !fermata![B,DG]:|]
X:1 % T:John Heir of the Glen M:3/4 L:1/8 R:Air Q:"Affettuoso" B:J. Clinton – Gems of Ireland:200 Airs (1841, No. 159, p. 81) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G g>a .b.g (b/a/g/f/)|(e>f) (e/d/c/B/) .g.B|T(d>e) d(c/B/) (c/B/)(A/G/)| A2 {GA}BB B d|(g>a) .b.d' (c'/b/a/g/)|e>f (g/f/)(e/d/) .g.B|T(d>e) d(c/B/) (c/B/A/G/)| {B}(A/G/)(A/>B/) GG G::(g/e/)|.d.d d2 (d/e/f/~g/)|.a.a .a2 z2| (g>a b)g (ag/f/)|(e>f e/d/).B !fermata!B d|(g>a b).d' (c'/b/)(a/g/)| ~e>f (e/d/c/B/) !fermata!(gd)|g>e (dB) (c/B/A/G/)|{B}A/G/A/B/) GG !fermata!G:|]