Dermot and His Lass (1)
Tune annotations
X:1 % T:Dermot and His Lass [1] T:Dermot lov'd Sheela well and strove her heart to gain M:3/4 L:1/8 R:Air S:Thomas D'Urfey - Pills to Purge Melancholy (1719) K:D D2|F2A2 A>B|A6|d3e fe|e2 dc BA| AB AF ED|D3E F2|E2B2B2|Bc d2 ef| D2 DE FE|E4||B2|B2 cB AF| d4 e2|fe dB AF|E4 FG|A2d2ef| e4 f/g/a|A4 FG|A4 d/e/f|d4||