My Love's the Fairest Creature
Tune annotations
X:1 T:My Love’s the fairest creature M:C| L:1/8 R:Air B:Aird – Sixth and Last Volume of Scotch, English, Irish and Foreign Airs (1803, No. 125, p. 49) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Emin "Plaintive"B2|B2e2 gfe^d|e4 ^d2 c2|B3c B2G2|A2B2 d3B| B2e2 gfe^d|e4 ^d2c2|B3c B2G2|A2B2d2:| |:E2|EFGA B^c^de|F4 A2F2|E4 GFE^D|E2F2 G3F| EFGA B^c^dB|e4 egfe|B2 AG d3F|E2E2E2:|]
X:1 T:My Love's the fairest Creature M:C L:1/8 R:Air O:Irish B:John Macpherson Mulhollan - Selection of Irish and Scots Tunes (Edinburgh, 1804, p. 34) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:Dmin "Amoroso"A2|A2d2 fed^c|d4 ^c2B2|A3BA2F2|G2A2c3A| A2d2 (fe)(d^c)|d4 ^c2B2|A3B A2F2|G2A2c2:| |:D2|(DE)(FG) (A=B)(^cd)|E4 G2E2|D4 (FE)(D^C)|D2E2F3E| DEFG A=B^cA|d4 dfed|A2 (GF) c3E|E2D2D2:|]