Boys from Mullingar (The)
Tune annotations
X:1 % T:Jig M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Jig Q:"Moderately Quick" B:R.M. Levey – First Collection of the Dance Music of Ireland (1858, No. 12, p. 6) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:D F/G/|ABA AFA|d2e f2d|ABA AGF|(G3 G2)F/G/| A>BA AFA|d2e f2d|ecA ABc|(d3d2):| |:d/e/|f2f e2g|f2d {e}dcd|ecA {B}AGF|(G3 G2) (F/G/)| A>BA AFA|d2e f2d|ecA ABc|(d3 d2):|]
X:1 % T:Boys from Mullingar, The M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Air Q:"Spirited" S:O'Neill - Music of Ireland (1903), No. 589 Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:D "Spirited"F/G/|A2A F2A|d2 e fgf|e2 A A2F|(G3 G2) F/G/| A2A F2A|d2 e fgf|e2A A2c|(d3 d3)|| a/g/|f2f f^ef|g2f e^de|f2d A2F|(G3 G2) a| f2f f2A|d2e fgf|e2A A2c|(d3 d2) a/g/| f2f f^ef|g2f e^de|fdA AGF|(G3 G2) F/G/| ABA AFA|d2e fgf|ecA ABc|(d3 d2)||
X:1 % T:Boys of Mullingar, The M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Jig B:Glen - Irish Tunes for the Scottish and Irish War Pipes (1911, No. 55, p. 19) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G G/A/|BcB BGB|e2f g2e|BcB BAG|A3 A2 G/A/| BcB BGB|e2f g2e|fdB Bcd|e3 e2:| |:e/f/|g2g f2a|g2e ede|fdB BAG|A3 A2 G/A/| B>cB B>GB|e2f g2e|fdB Bcd|e3 e2:|]