Bucking Mule (1)
X:1 T:Bucking Mule [1] S:J. Dedrick Harris (c. 1868- Asheville, N.C.) M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel Q:Fast N:Harris plays the first strain five or six times before moving N:on to the second strain. N:Harris was from Flag Pond, Tennessee, but lived around Asheville N:and Andrews, N.C., for part of his life. D:Broadway BWY A-1963, D.J. Harris (1924) F:https://www.slippery-hill.com/recording/bucking-mule Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:G +slide+[G2B2][GB]A [G2B2]BA|BGAG EGGA|+slide+[G2B2][GB]A [G2B2]Bd|edBG AG2[G_B]-| [G2B2][GB]A [G2B2]BA|BGAG EGGA|+slide+[G2B2][GB]A [G2B2]Bd|edBG AG3|| g3g-g3a|gedc Bdd2|g4- gaba|gedB AG3| g3g- g2ba|bagd eg3|g2ed d2 BA|B2AG EG3| g3g- g2a|gedc Bd3|g4- gaba|gedB AG3| g6a2|bagd eg2a|g2 ed d2 BA|BGAG EG3||