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Annotation:Cleaning the Henhouse

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Revision as of 05:36, 17 February 2019 by Andrew (talk | contribs)

X:1 T:Cleaning the Hen-house M:C L:1/8 R:Reel B:Treoir, vol. 2, No. 3, May-June 1970, p. 13. Z:Seamus Mac Mathuna K:D AF~F2 dF~F2|{c}BAFB AF~F2|AF~F2 dfdB|AFDF E3z| AF~F2 dF~F2|BAFB AF~F2|{c}BABc dfef|dBAF E3z:| |:{c}BABc dfef|d2 ef dB~B2|BABc dfef|dBAF E3z| BABc d2ef|d2ef df~[B2f2]|bgaf egfe|dBAF E3z:|

CLEANING THE HENHOUSE (Glanadh Chró na gCearc). Irish, Reel. D Major (& B Minor?). Standard tuning (fiddle). AB. Paul de Grae calls this tune "a characteristic Sliabh Luachra reel, played without repeats as is common with such tunes"

Additional notes

Source for notated version: - fiddler Séamus Creagh & accordion player Jackie Daly (County Cork, Ireland) [Breathnach].

Printed sources : - Breathnach (CRÉ III), 1985; No. 190.

Recorded sources: - Gael-Linn Records CEF 057, "Jacky Daly & Séamus Creagh" (1977).

See also listing at:
Hear Séamus Creagh and Jackie Daly's recording on Soundcloud [1]

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