Coal Valley
X:1 T:Coal Valley S:The Stripling Brothers, Charlie (1896-1966) and Ira (1898-1967), west Alabama. M:C| L:1/8 Q:"Moderate" R:Country Rag D:Decca 5547 (78 RPM), The Stripling Brothers (1936) F: Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:C +slide+cage- edc2|+slide+cage- edc2|+slide+FdcA- AGF2|+slide+FdcA- AGF2| BABa- age2|+slide+BABA- AB2 (d|e2)c2A2G2|+slide+cage- edc2| +slide+cage- edc2|+slide+FdcA- AGF2|+slide+FdcA- AGF2|BABa- age2| +slide+BABA- AB2 (B|c2) A2 GE3|{B}c2||(_E2=E)G A2|G2 cA EGA2| [M:2/4]G2c2 |[M:C|]FGAd- dcAF-|FA2c d2Ac|BABa- age2| +slide+BABA- AB2 d-| e2c2A2GG|EEAG- GGcA| GcAE G2c2|FGAd- dcAF-| FA2c d2Ac|BABa- age2| +slide+BABA- AB2 B-| c2A2 GE3|[M:2/4]c2 AB||"last"c4||