Annotation:Foul Weather Call
X:1 T:Foul Weather Call M:2/4 L:1/16 R:Hornpipe K:D gfed e2a2 | gfed dcBA | d2A2 BcdB | g2f2e4 | gfed e2a2 | gfed dcBA | d3B BcdG | F2E2D4 :| |: GFED A2A2 | Bcde dcBA | d2A2 BcdB | g2f2e4 | gfed e2a2 | gfed dcBA | d3A BcdG | F2E2D4 :||
FOUL WEATHER CALL. English, Hornpipe (cut time). D Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. Barry Callaghan (2007) remarks that it was "popularised as a lumpy step-hop" by modern bands. The melody comes from the music manuscripts of the Welch family (Bosham, Susses), from the early 19th century.