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Annotation:Maid of the Mill (4)

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X:1 T:Maid of the Mill (4) M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Morris jig B:Bacon - The Morris Ring (1974, p. 104) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:Bb F|BcB cde|f2e dcB|f2e dcB|F2c B2:|| z|def fed|cde edc|def fed|B3 A2F| Bdf fed|cde ecF|f2e dcB|F2c B2||

MAID OF THE MILL [4]. English, Morris Dance Tune (6/8 time). B Flat Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABBB(x4),AA. This tune, which also accompanies the morris dance of the same name in the Costwold village of Brackley, was collected by Cecil Sharp from the village of Abingdon, Oxfordshire [Bacon]. According to The Morris Ring [1], "The continuing tradition of Morris Dancing in Abingdon is very old. In 1560, the accounts of Abingdon's parish church had an entry detailing the purchase of 'two dossin of Morres belles'."

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Printed sources : - Bacon (A Handbook of Morris Dances), 1974; pp. 95a, 104.

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