T:Wheelwright [1], The
B:Bunting – Ancient Music of Ireland (1840, No. 35, p. 28)
Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion
(F/>A/)|(B>c) (.d.g)|{=efg}(f>_e) .d(B/c/)|{^c}d>=c {d}(c/B/)(G/F/)|(GB){A}B F|
(B>c) (.d.g)|{=efg}(f>_e) .d(B/c/)|{^c}d>=c {d}(c/B/)(G/F/)|(GB){A}B||
.f|(g>f)(ga)|(b>a) (gb)|{^fga}(g>=f) (.d.c)|{^c}(dg).g f|
{a}(g>f)(.g.a)|(b>a)(.g.b)|{^gab}(a>f)(.d.c)|(df).f (F/>A/)|
(B>c) .d.g|{=efg}(f>_e) .d(B/c/)|{Bc}(d>c) {d}(c/B/)(G/F/)|GB{A}!fermata!B||
WHEELWRIGHT [1], THE (An Deileadoir). AKA and see "Penal Days." Irish, Slow Air (2/4 time). A Major (O'Neill's): B Flat Major (Haverty): G Major (O'Sullivan/Bunting). Standard tuning (fiddle). One part (O'Sullivan/Bunting): AAB (O'Neill's). The air and words were first pritned in Edward Bunting's collection, though the melody was afterwords used for Thomas Davis' song entitled "The Penal Days."
Additional notes Source for notated version : - Belfast musician and collector Edward Bunting [1] (1773-1843) noted the melody from one P. Lynch of Castlebar, County Mayo, in 1802.
Printed sources : - Bunting (The Ancient Music of Ireland), 1840; No. 35, p. 28. P.M. Haverty (One Hundred Irish Airs vol. 1), 1858; No. 95, p. 39. O'Neill (Music of Ireland: 1850 Melodies), 1903; No. 202, p. 35. O'Sullivan/Bunting, 1983; No. 35, pp. 56-57.