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Annotation:Trowie Reel (1)

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X:1 % T:Trow Reel, Da T:Trowie Reel [1] S:Friedemann Stickle (b. 1780), via grandson John Stickle (1875-1957, Lerwick) M:C| L:1/8 Q:"Steady" N:Q=96 B:Pat Shuldham Shaw - "A Shetland Fiddler and His Repertoire: John Stickle 1875-1957" B:Journal of the English Folk Dance and Song Society, vol. 9, No. 3, Dec. 1962, p. 143. Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:D fdfa fdfa|fdfg a2 fe|eceg eceg ecef g2 fe| fdfa fdfa|fdfg a3f|g2 fg abag|f2d2 d4||

TROWIE REEL [1]. AKA “Trow’s Reel, Da.” Shetland, Shetland Reel. Shetland, Unst. D Mixolydian. Standard tuning (fiddle). One part. A trowie is the term used in Shetland for 'fairy', and this tune was attributed to them, overheard by someone who whistled it over to fiddler Friedemann Stickle (b. 1780). Pat Shuldham-Shaw maintained the there was only one part to the tune, in grandson John Stickle’s mind, and that any additional turning was spurious.

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Source for notated version: - John Stickle (1875-1957, Unst/Lerwick) [Shuldham Shaw]. John was Friedemann’s grandson.

Printed sources : - Pat Shuldham-Shaw, "A Shetland Fiddler and His Repertoire: John Stickle 1875–1957", Journal of the English Folk Dance and Song Society, vol. 9, no. 3, Dec. 1962, p. 143.

Recorded sources: -

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