Davy Dugger
X:1 T:Davy Dugger N:From the playing of fiddler Clyde Davenport (Ky.) N:Davenport (b. 1921) was born in Blue Hole Hollow, near Mt. Pisgah on the N:Cumberland Plateau in south-central Kentucky, not far from the border with N:Tennessee. M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel Q:"." D:https://www.slippery-hill.com/recording/davy-dugger D:Berea College Appalachian Center AC 002, Clyde Davenport - Puncheon Camps (1992) Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:G DE|G2[G2B2] BABA|d2B4dB|A2G2 EDEG|A2[G2B2]-[G2B2]:| e[_Bf]-|:[=B2g2][Bg][Ba]g2e2| d2B4^g2-|a2 ab a2ag|e2d2-d2ef| g2 ga g2e2|d2+slide+B4 dB|A2G2 EDEG| A2 [G2B2]-[G2B2]||