Distyll y Drain
X:1 T:Distyll y Drain T:Decay of the Thorns (The) M:3/8 L:1/8 R:Air Q:"Lively" B:Edward Jones - Musical, Poetical, and Historical Relicks of the Welsh Bards, vol. 2 (1802, p. 109) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:Bb BB/d c/e/|dd/f/ c/e/|BB/d/ c/e/|d/c/B/A/ G|BB/d/ c/e/|dd/f/ c/e/|BB/d/c/e/|(e/c/BA):| |:.B.G.G|A/G/^F/G/ A/F/|.B.G.G|A/G/^F/G/ A|Bcd|{cd}edc|B/A/ G^F|G3:|]
X:1 T:Distyll y Drain T: Trickling of the Thorns, The M:3/8 L:1/8 R:Air Q:"Lively" B:Edward Jones – The Bardic Museum (1810, p. 109) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Gmin BB/d/ c/e/|dd/f/ c/e/|BB/d/ c/e/|d/c/B/A/ G|BB/d/ c/e/|dd/f/ c/e/|BB/d/c/e/|(d/c/BA):| |:B.G.G|A/G/^F/G/ A/F/|.B.G.G|A/G/^F/G/ A|Bcd|{cd}edc|B/A/ G^F|[B,3G3]:|]
X:1 T:Goblins of the Lake, The T:Distyll y Drain T:Decay of the Thorns (The) M:3/4 L:1/8 R:Air N:Words by David Rowlands B:Joseph Parry – “Cambrian minstrelsie : (Alawon Gwalia) A national collection B:of Welsh songs, vol. 1” (1893, pp. 29-31) F: https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015009705610&seq=53 Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion F2|B2 (Bd) (ce)|d2 (df) (ce)|B2 (ce) (dc)|(BA G2)F2| B2 (Bd) (ce)|d2 (df) (ce)|(dc)B2 A2|G4|| A2|B2G2B2|A2 (^FG)A2|(BA) (GA) B2|c4 A2|B2c2d2|e2d2c2| (BA)G2 ^F2|G4 =F2|B2 (Bd) (ce)|d2 (df) (ce)|B2 (ce) (dc)|(BA G2) F2| B2 (Bd) (ce)|d2 (df) (ce)|B2 (ce) (dc)|(BAG2) F2|B2 (Bd) (ce)| d2 (df) (ce)|(dc)B2A2|G4||A2 B2G2B2|A2 (^FG)A2|(BA) (GA) B2|B4A2| B2c2d2|e2d2c2|(BA)G2 ^F2|G4=F2|B2 (Bd) (ce)|d2 (df) (ce)| B2 (ce) (dc)|(BAG2)F2|B2 (Bd) (ce)|d2 (ef) g2|(fe)d2c2|B4||