Over the Waterfall
X:1 T:Over the Waterfall M:C| L:1/8 S:Jay Ungar Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:D de|f2a2 (gf) e2|(de)dB A2 de|f2a2 (gf) e2|d3 (e d2)de| f2a2 (gf) e2|(de)dB A2 AB|=c2 c2 B A3| G3 (A G2:| |:FG|A2A2 B2B2|(AB)AG F2 FG|A2d2 (cd) e2|d3 e d2 FG| AFAd BGBd|(AB)AG F2 FG|A2F2 (GF)E2|D3D D3:|]
T:Fellow that Looks Like Me, The
C:J.E. Poole
B:"The Great Comic Songs Played and Sung Everywhere" (pub. Frederick Blume, New York, 1866)
Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion
(EF)|G2G2 A3F|(G3E) C3B|c2c2 d2B2|c6 (EF)|
G2G2A3F|(G3E) D2 E F|G2G2 F2D2|C6 d2|
e2e2f2d2|c2B2G2 d d |e2e2 f2d2|(c4 B2) d d |
e2e2 f2 (ed)|c2B2G2 G A |_B2B2 A A2E|F6||
"Chorus"(EF)|G G3 A2F2|G2E2C2 (AB)|c2c2 (ec) (dB)|c6 EF|
G2G2A2F2|G>A G>E C2 (AB)|c2c2 (ec) d B |c6||