Hickman Rag (The)
X:1 T:Hickman Rag, The S:Charlie Bowman (1889-1962, Tennessee, with the Hill Billies) M:C| L:1/8 N:Bowman goes on an extended improvisation after playing the main tune N:once through (AA'B), then returns to the 'B' part. D:Vocalion 15377 (78 RPM), Charlie Bowman (1926) F:https://www.slippery-hill.com/recording/hickman-rag Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:C a2ea aged|cAcd e2(AB|d2)[d2f2] [de][de][df][df]|[df]ded d2g2-| gage dBd(A|B)dBA G3[_EB]-|[=Ec]cAG ag e2|1c4 c4:|2 c4 c2|| +slide+[A2A2]-|[A2A2][AA][AA] [AA][AA][AA][AA]|Af2d- [e2e2][e2e2]|d2d4 d2|eded- d^c =c2| Bg2a g2(_B2|=B)Bga g2c2-|c2c'2b2a2|g6+slide+[A2A2]-| [A2A2][AA][AA] [AA][AA][AA][AA]|Af2d- [e2e2][e2e2]|d2d4 d2|eded- d^c =c2| Bg2a g2(_B2|=B)Bga g2+slide+[e2e2]- |[ee][de]-[ee]d c2A2|[E6c6]||
T:Hickman's Rag
N:From the playing of John Ashby (Farquier County, Va.)
R:Country Rag
D:County 773, John Ashby - "Fiddling by the Hearth" (19)
Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz
a2-|ageg agec|cAcd e2ec|dd^fd e2dd|^fd2e d2ef|
gage dedc|BdBA G2AB|cBcd ag e2|[c3e3]d [c2e2]:||
|:cB|A2 A4 A>A|A^f3 e3c|d2d4 d2|ed2e d2dc|
Bg2a g2(_B2|=B)g2a g2 (_B2|=B2)b2a2g2 |[c3e3]d [c2e2]:|
|:cB|A2a2 a3f|afab- bafe|fefa fedd|fefa- afef|
g2 g4-[de]-[ee]-|[e3e3] [ee]- [ee][de]-[ee]d|[c6e6]:|]