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Annotation:Allen's Reel (1)

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X: 7 T:Allen's Reel [1] M:4/4 L:1/8 C:Web Acheson R:Reel K:A c2 B2|:Aceg aece|Adfa ecA2|EGBe Acea|Bdfb e2 (3efg|! afdf ecAc|dBGB AFDF|EGBe Acea|gedB A2z2:|! |:B2GB eeBe|ggeg bgeg|fBdf afdf|fedc BAGA|! BBGB eeBe|ggeg bgeg|fBdf afdf|1efêd e2z2:|2efêd edcB||

Northwest fiddler Joe Pancerzewski learned this tune when he heard Alfie Myhre play it at a contest, but didn't know its name. He called it "Alfie's Hornpipe" on his 1972 LP, and many fiddlers who learned the tune from that recording use that title.


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Source for notated version : - NOTATED VERSION HERE

Printed sources : - PRINTED SOURCES HERE

Recorded sources - Joe Pancerzewski: "Legendary Northwest Fiddler," Voyager 341

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