Grandpa's Favorite Quadrille
X:1 T: Quadrille, "Grand Pa's Favorite" Figure 3 N:"Pub. by E.T. Root & Son, Chicago" N: The first two strains are the same as the Jordie Jig or Marching Quadrille, while N:the third is from Malbrook. C: B:Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ford, "Good Morning" (1926) M:6/8 K:D B|A2A AFA|d2d def|g2ef2d|efdB2d|A2A AFA| d2d def|afd e2f|dzz dz!fine!||f|g2g gab|f2f fga| e2e ede|f2d Bcd|A2A AFA|d2ef2g|afde2f|dzz dz!D.C.!|| K:G G/A/|B2B BAB|c3B2B|A2A AGA|B3G2A|B2B BAB|c2de2c|BzB AGA|Gzz [Bg]!D.C.!z|]