Ruffian's Rant (The)
X:1 T:Ruffian's Rant, The M:C L:1/8 S:McGlashan – Strathspey Reels Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:D B | A<FF>E F>EF<B|A>FF>D E>DEB | A<F F>D d>ef>e | d>BA>F E>D E :| |: B | A<F d>A B>Ad>B | A<F d>A B>AB>d | G<F F>D d>ef>d | B>dA>F E<D E :| |: b | a<f f>e f>e f<b | a<f f>d e>d e<b | a<f f>e d>gf>e | d>B d/B/A/F/ E>D E :| || B | A<Fd<F A<Fd<F | A<Fd<F BABd | A<F E>D d>ef>e | f/e/d/B/ d/B/A/F/ E>DEB |A/F/E/F/ d/F/E/F/ A/F/E/F/ d/F/E/F/ | A/F/E/F/ d/F/E/F/ B>A A<d | AFE>D Defd |EBdF E>DEB || |: A<F F>E F>E F<d | A<F F>DE>D EB | A<F F>A d>ef>e| F<F F>A E<DE :| |: B | A<F d>A d>Ad>B | A<F d>A B>ABd | A<F F>D d>efd | B>dA>F E>DE :|]
T:Ruffan’s Rant, The
T:Roy’s Wife
S:The Buttery Manuscript (c. 1784-1820, No. 477)
N:John Buttery (1784-1854) joined the 34th Regiment in Lincoln,
N:Lincolnshire, England, in 1797 and served as a fifer until discharged in
N:1814. His large ms. contains marches, duty calls, dance tunes and airs.
N:EASMES identifies this as the Fife MS. and suggests a date of 1780, see
Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion
B|A>F F<D|F>EFB|A<F F<D|E>DEB|A>FE>D|d>ef>e|d>BAF|E>DE:|
|:b|a>fTf>e|Tf>ef>b|a>fTf>d|e>deb|a>ff>e|d>eTf>e|(d/c/B/A/) d>F|E>DEB|
T:Ruffian's Rant, The
B:Davie's Caledonian Repository (Aberdeen, 1829-30, p. 10)
Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion
B|A<FF>E F>EF<B|A<FF>D E>DE<F|A>FE>D d>ef>e| d>B A/B/d/F/ E>DE<:|
|:G|F>Ad>A B>Ad>A|F>Ad>A B>AB<d|A>FE>D d>ef>e|{c}d>B A/B/d/F/ E>DE<:|
|:b|a<ff>e f>ef<b|A<ff>d e>de<f|a>fe>f d>ef>e|d>B A/B/d/F/ E>DE<:|
B|A<Fd>A B/c/A/G/ d>B|A<Fd>A B>AB<d|B/A/G/f/ G/F/E/D/ d>ef>e|d>B A/B/d/F/ E>DE>G|
(3FAA (3dAA (3BAA (3dAA|(3FAA (3dAA (3BAA (3Bcd|(3BAG (3FED (3fag (3fge|(3dcB (3AG E>DE<||
T:Ruffians’ Rant, The
R:”Scotch Reel”
B:Coes Album of Jigs and Reels, something new, for professional and amateur violinists,
B:leaders of orchestras, quadrille bands, and clog, reel and jig dancers; consisting of a
B:Grand Collection of entirely New and Original Clog-Hornpipes, Reels, jigs,
B:Scotch Reels, Irish Reels and Jigs, Waltzes, Walk-Arounds, etc. (1876, p. 60)
N:Coes performed with the San Francisco Minstrels in California from 1852 to 1859.
Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion
B2|AF3TF3E F3EFB3|A3FF3[DE] E3DE2B2|AF3F3D d3ef3e|d3BTA3F TE3D E2:|
|:B2|AF3d3A B3Ad3B|AF3 d3A TB3AB3c|GF3TF3D d3ef3d|B3d A3F E3D F2:|
|:b2|af3f3e Tf3efb3|af3 Tf3d Tf3deb3|af3 Tf3e e3gf3e|d3B dBAF TE3D E2:|
|:B2|AF3dF3 F3BA2F2|AF3 dF3 TB2A2B2c2|AF3ED3 Td3ef3e|(fe)(eB) (eB)(AF) TE3D E2G2|
A(FEF) d(FEF) A(FEF) d(FEF)|A(FEF) d(FEF) TB3AB3d|A2F2TE3D d3ef2d2|e2B2d2F2 TE3D E2B2||
AF3 TF3E TF3E Fd3|AF3 TF3D TE3D E2B2|A3F3A d3ef3e|FF3F3A E3DE2:|
|:B2|A3Fd3c d3cd3B|AF3 d3A TB3AB2f2|AF3F3D d3ef2d2|B3dA3F TE3DE2:|]