Surgeon's Call
X: 1 T:Surgeon's Call S:Bruce & Emmett's Drummers and Fifers Guide (1862), p. 36 M:2/4 L:1/16 K:G Bc|d2ed c2B2|AGAB GABc|d2ed c2B2|AGAB G2:| |:Bc|d2ef g2fg|afge dcBA|d2ef g2fg|afge d2:| Q:Allegro %%MIDI program 72 %%MIDI transpose 8 %%MIDI ratio 3 1 Hz2|B>GA>F G2g2|f>de>^c d3=c|B>GA>F G2g2|f>de>^c d2 (3(def)| g>dB>G e3e|d>e (3(dcB) A3c|B>GA>F G2g2|f>ga>f g2||
X: 1 T:Surgeon's Call - Regulation Fife Calls 1776-1856, #2 *? B:American Veteran Fifer, Regulation Fife Calls 1776-1856, #2 M:2/4 L:1/16 Q:1/4=90 F: K:G %%MIDI channel 1 %%MIDI program 72 %%MIDI transpose 20 %%MIDI grace 1/4 %%MIDI ratio 2 1 d2ed B2B2|AGAB GABc|d2ed B2B2|AGAB G4"_Fine.":| |:d2ef g2g2|agfe dcBc|d2ef g2g2|"_D.C. to Fine."agfe d4!D.C.!:| % the "D.C. to Fine" text should appear OK in printout but the abc tool I am using does % not properly repeat the last strain in response to the !D.C.!