Annotation:Lord Alexander Kennedy's March
X:1 T:Lord Alexander Kennedy's March C:Piper Honeyman R:March M:C L:1/8 B:David Glen's Collection of Highland Bagpipe Music Book 3 Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:Amix e/a/|AA/A/ A>B A/d/f/a/ e2|dc/d/ fe/A/ cB/>B/ Be/a/|AA/A/ A>B A/d/f/a/ e>d| c/e/A/c/ B/d/G/B/ AA/A/ A:||c/d/|e2 e/A/c/e/ f2 f/d/f/a/|dc/d/ fe/A/ cB/>B/ Bc/d/| e2 e/A/c/e/ f2 f/d/f/a/|c/e/A/c/ B/d/G/B/ AA/A/A/|e2 e/A/c/e/ f2 f/d/f/a/| dc/d/ fe/A/ cB/>B/ Ba/f/|eA/A/ A>B A/d/f/a/ e>d|c/e/A/c/ B/d/G/B/ AA/A/ A|| e/a/|cc/e/ A/d/f/a/ df/a/ e2|dc/d/ fe/A/ cB/>B/ Be/a/|Ac/e/ A/d/f/a/ df/a/ e>d| c/e/A/c/ B/d/G/B/ AA/A/ Ae/a/|cc/e/ A/d/f/a/ df/a/ e2|dc/d/ fe/A/ cB/>B/ Ba/f/| eA/A/ A>B A/d/f/a/ e>d|c/e/A/c/ B/d/G/B/ AA/A/ A||c/d/|ec/e/ e/A/c/A? fd/f/ ec/A/| df/a/ e/A/c/A/ cB/>B/ Bc/d/|ec/e/ e/A/c/A/ fd/f/ ec/A/|c/e/A/c/ B/d/G/B/ AA/A/ Ac/d/| ec/e/ e/A/c/A? fd/f/ ec/A/|df/a/ e/A/c/A/ cB/>B/ Bg/f/|eA/A/ A>B A/d/f/a/ e>d| c/e/A/c/ B/d/G/B/ AA/A/A||:e/a/|A/d/f/a/ A/d/f/a/ df/a/ d/a/f/a/|ce/a/ ce/a/ G/B/d/f/ a2| |1 a/d/f/a/ a/d/f/a df/a/ d/a/f/a/|c/e/A/c/ B/d/G/B/ AA/A/ A:| |2 eA/A/ A>B A/d/f/a/ e>d|c/e/A/c/ B/d/G/B/ AA/A/ A||c/d/|e/A/c/a/ e/A/c/a/ f/B/d/a/ f/B/d/a/| e/A/c/a/ e/A/c/a/ B/G/B/g B/G/B/d/|e/A/c/a/ e/A/c/a/ f/B/d/a/ f/B/d/a/|c/e/A/c/ B/d/G/B/ AA/A/ Ac/d/| e/A/c/a/ e/A/c/a/ f/B/d/a/ f/B/d/a/|e/A/c/a/ e/A/c/a/ B/G/B/d e/g/f/a/| eA/A/ A>B A/d/f/a/ e>d|c/e/A/c/ B/d/G/B/ AA/A/ A||
LORD ALEXANDER KENNEDY'S MARCH. Scottish, Pipe March (2/4 time). A Mixolydian. Standard tuning (fiddle). This pipe march, composed by James Honeyman of Falkirk, has some historical and modern currency among Cape Breton fiddlers. In the latter 19th century Lord Alexander Kennedy (1853-1912) was an officer in the 42nd Regiment (The Black Watch) and James "Piper" Honeyman was his batman and servant who composed this tune (as "Lord Alexander Kennedy's March Through the Garden of Gethsemane") in honor of his officer after the Ashanti campaign in 1874. The piece has undergone some "folk-processing" since it was first published.