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Annotation:Ain't that Trouble in Mind

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X:1 T:Ain't that Trouble in Mind N:From the playing of fiddler Eck Dunford and Crockett Ward with N:The Bogtotters, southwest Virginia M:C| L:1/8 R:Song tune and reel D:County 534, Crockett Ward & His Boys - "Round the Heart of Old Galax" (1980) D:Biograph RC 6003, "Original Bogtrotters" (1968) D:https://www.slippery-hill.com/content/aint-trouble-mind Z:Transribed by Andrew Kuntz K:G P:Break played after first verse and chorus D2-|E2 (GA) G-AG2|[GA]-[GB]-[GB](A BA)D2-|E2F2G2 A-B|G3AG2((3ABc|| d2)d2d2(Bc|d2)d2-d2B2|d2=f2e2d2|c3dc2B-A| G2(AB c2)d2|[e3e3]d[e2e2](Bc|d2)c2B2A2|G3G G2||

AIN'T THAT TROUBLE IN MIND. American, Song Tune and Reel (cut or 2/4 time). G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AB. "Ain't that Trouble in Mind" is a song and instrumental breakdown (reel) that is a member of the "Molly and Tenbrooks" song/tune family. It was recorded a few times in the 78 RPM era. The first two stanzas of the song, which consists of couplets anchored by a one-line chorus, begin:

Trouble, oh trouble, it’s trouble all the time,
If trouble don’t kill me, I’ll live a long time.
Ain’t that trouble in mind, Ain’t that trouble in mind.

My Mammy told me something, my Daddy told me more;
I ever I married in my life, bring trouble in the door.
Ain’t that trouble in mind, Ain’t that trouble in mind.

Additional notes
Source for notated version : - Eck Dunford & Crockett Ward [Milliner & Koken].

Printed sources : - Clare Milliner & Walt Koken (Milliner-Koken Collection of American Fiddle Tunes), 2011; pp. 4-5.

Recorded sources : - s

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