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Annotation:Bridesmaid Schottische

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X: 1 T: "BRIDESMAID" SCHOTTISCHE R: Schottische %R: shottish B: James Kerr "Merry Melodies" v.4 p.46 #415 Z: 2016 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu> M: C L: 1/8 F:http://www.john-chambers.us/~jc/music/book/Kerr/MM4/Kerr_MM4-V2.abc K: G |: !mf!\ d2B2 g2B2 | c>dc>B A>Bc2 | c2A2 a2A2 | B>cB>A G>AB>c | d2B2 g2B2 | c>dc>B A>Bc2 | c2A2 a2f2 | g2[g2B2] [g2B2]z2 :| |: !f!\ f>ga2 a2a2 | g>ag>f e>fg2 | e>fg2 g2g2 | f>gf>e d>ef2 | f>ga2 a2a2 | g>ab2 b2b2 | e>fe>d ^c>AB>c | d2f2 d2"_D.C."z2 :| P: Trio. [K:=f][K:C] |: !p!\ e4 e4 | (3dcB (3dcA G3F | E>FG2 A>Bc2 | d>ed>^c d2g2 | e4 e4 | (3dcB (3dcA G3^G | A>Bc>A B>cd>B |[1 c2e2 (3cGA (3Bcd :|[2 c2e2 c2z2 |]

BRIDESMAID SCHOTTISCHE. Scottish (?), Schottische (whole time). G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABBCC'. The first strain of "Bridesmaid Schottische" migrated into Canadian repertory, where versions of it can be found in the first strain of Joseph Allard's "Quadrille fève aux lards" AKA "Reel boule de neige (1)" and the second strains of Isidore Soucy's "Quadrille canadien -- 1ère partie and Allard's "Quadrille français" (the latter recorded in 1929). See also Don Messer's version as "Pork and Beans."

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Printed sources : - James S. Kerr (Merry Melodies vol. 4), c. 1880's; No. 415, p. 46.

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