Milton Hornpipe (1)
X:178 T:Milton Hornpipe [1]. Le4.178 Q:1/4=100 L:1/8 B:L.Leadley MS#4 c1850 Z:vmp.Mike Hicken 2016 N:Tune 35 in "The Fiddler of Helperby" N: * In Helperby these three notes are shown as triplet quavers. N: ** In the original this note is shown as a quaver but it has been dotted to match the preceeding semi-quaver. M:C| K:G "*"D/F/F/|G2 GA GBdB|AGAB c2 Bd|gfgd ecAF|GBcB GFED| G2 GA GBdB|AGAB c2 Bd|gfgd ecAF|G<"**"G G2G2 :| |: d2|dedc Bd g2|e>fed ^ce a2|gfgd ecAF|GBdB GFED| dedc Bd g2|efed ^ce a2|gfgd ecAF|G<"**"G G2G2 :|
T:Milton's Hornpipe [1]. Roose.1089
B:John Roose MS, Manchester c1850
Z:Village Music Project-John Adams-2019
(3EFG| A2 AA Acec|BABc defg| agfe dcBA|G2E2E2 FG|
A2 AA Acec|BABc defg|agae fdBG| A2A2A2:|
cd| efed ceae|fgfe ^dfbf|agfe dcBA|G2E2E2 cd|
efed ceae|fgfe defg| agae fdBG| A2A2A2:|