Indian Queen (2)
X: 1 T:Indian Queen [2], The. JMP.008 T:Quick Step London[?derry],A. JMP.008 M:2/4 L:1/8 Q:1/2=90 C:"11..Quickstep..Londonderry" S:John Miller MS. Perth, 1799.(for the fife) R:.March O:Scotland A:Perth N:John Miller his Book - written at side of page N:Key given as G major but that feels very wrong. N:1 - correction made here in MS - bar line is between N:f and b and next bar squeezed in N:2 - bar almost illegible H:1799 Z:vmp.C. Graebe K:D major %"_See note re key" DDDE | FEFA | BABd | ABAf | eddf |! eddA | Bd (c/B/)(A/G/) |F3 E | DDDE | FEFA |! BABd | ABAf | eddf | eddA | Bdce | d2"cr"d :|! |:a/f/ | ddcd | ef/g/ fa/f/ | ddcd | ef/g/ f2 | "1"ffb2 |! ge a2 |fd (d/c/)(d/f/) | (e/d/)(c/B/) (A/G/)(F/E/) | DDDE | FEFA |! "2"BABd | ABAf | eddf | eddA | Bdce | d2" cr"d :||
T:Indian Queen [2]. Roose.0091, The
B:J.Roose, Manchester 1850
Z:Village Music Project 2019 Taz Tarry
N:Transcribed as in the ms, with 9 bars in the B music and a missing anacrusis beat in the A music
N:I suspect bar 3 of the B which is a duplicate of Bar 2 should not be there.
D>EDE FDFA|B>ABd A3 f|eddf eddA|B>c d/A/G/F/ F2 EA,|
DE DD/E/ FE/D/ FA|BABd A3 f|eddf eddA|B2 c2 "NB"d2:|
|:a/g/|ddcd ef/g/ fa/f/|ddcd ef/g/ f2|"NB"ddcd ef/g/ f2|b2 a/g/f/e/ a2 g/f/e/d/|
c/d/e/f/ g/f/e/d/ e/d/c/B/ A/G/F/E/|D>EDE FDFA|BABd A3 f|eddf eddA|B2 c2 d2:|d