Annotation:Bridegroom Geits (The)

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X:1 T:Bridegroom greets when the Sun gaes tee, The M:C L:1/8 R:Air N:"Old" B:Donald Grant – Collection of Strathspeys, Reels, Jigs &c. (1820-21, p. 26) B:The volume was perhaps first issued c. 1790, from a penciled note in a copy. N:The collection was dedicated to Mrs. Col. Grant of Grant (“Sir James and N:Lady Grant of Grant”). S: Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:F (A>c)|{c}d3f (c<A) (G>F)|c2G2G2 (A>c)|{c}d3f c>A G>F|{F}G3A f3g|a>gf>d f>dc>A| B>AG>F G2 (A<c)|d3c A2 (f>d)|{d}c2A2A2::(A>c)|d3A f3A|c2 (A>G) G2 (A>c)|d3Af3A| c>Ac>d f3g|a3f g3d|f2A2 {A}G2 (A<c)|d3e f>ef>g|{fg}a2A2A2::(A<c)|d>Af>A c>Af>A| c2 (A>G) G2 (A<c)|d>Af>A c>Af>A|c>Ac>d f3g|a>fg>d f>cd<f|c>AF>A G2 (A<c)| d2 d>c {B}A2 f>d|{d}c2A2A2::(a>g)|f>af>c A>cA>F|c2 A>G G2 a>g|f>af>c A>cA>F| c<ag>e f3g|a>gb>a g>fd>g|f>dc>A {A}G2 (A<c)|d3c {B}A2 (f>d)|{d}c2A2A2||

BRIDEGROOM GEITS, THE. AKA - "The bridegroom grat," "Bridegroom greets when the Sun gaes tee (The)." Scottish, Air (4/4 time). D Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). One part. The title may be a variation of Psalm 19.5, "The sun comes out like a bridegroom from his bedroom [wedding chamber]. It rejoices like an ·athlete [strong man] eager to run a race." The basic melodic strain was fitted by Lady Anne Lindsay to the words of her "Auld Robin Gray." However, notes Walker (1924), "it has now been completely supplanted by a nineteenth-century English production of vastly inferior quality." Walker goes on to decry the practice in that century of London composers deliberately composing pseudo-Scottish tunes, "a favourite industry."

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Printed sources : - Gatherer (Gatherer's Musical Museum), 1987; p. 27. Donald Grant (Collection of Strathspeys, Reels, Jigs &c.), 1820-21; p. 26. Hamilton, Select Songs of Scotland, 1848.

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