In Memory of Coleman
X:1 T:In Memory of Coleman M:2/2 L:1/8 C:Ed Reavy R:reel N:No tune can adequately commemorate this N:great fiddler. Ed felt that he was the last of the great players, N:and the only one he ever heard who had that strange wildness in N:his playing that only the great ones possess. Ed wrote the tune as N:if Mike were to play it. Perhaps he alone had the tools to do N:it complete justice. Z:Joe Reavy K:Bb F | DFBd cBGF | DF (3F=EF GFDF | GABc d^fga | (3bag (3ag^f dgga | (3bag (3ag^f g=fdc | (3=Bcd BG FDCD | FGBd c2 =Bc | c=BcA _BG G :|| A | B2 fB gagf | =ec (3cBc AFFA | B2 a/2g/2f/2=e/2 fdcA | FGAc BGGA | B2 fB DBfB | DBfB AF (3F=EF | GABc dbag fd (3cBA BG G :||
X: 1 T:Tribute to Coleman, A T:In Memory of Coleman R:Reel C:Ed Reavy S:as played by fiddler Martin Dowling N:transcribed by Alan Ng. Slightly different from George Keith's abc taken directly from Reavy book, where it's titled "In Memory of Coleman." Z: id:ng-reels-11 transcribed on Aug. 23, 1996 from Aug. 17 tape of Martin Dowling by Alan Ng M:C| F: K:Gm E:10 \medskip F|DGBd {d}cAGF|DF ~F2 GFDF|GABc dfga|\ bg af dg{a}ga|bg af {a}gfdc|* E:12 (3Bcd BG FDCD|FGBd ~c3 c|dBcA BGGF|\ DGBd {d}cAGF|DF ~F2 GFDF|* E:11 GABc dfga|bgaf ~g2 ga|bg af {a}gfdc|\ (3Bcd BG {G}FDCD|FGBd c2Bc|* E:10 dBcA BGGA||B2 fB gBfB|{d}Bdfd {d}cAFA|\ B2 fB gBfB|FGAc BGGA|B2 fB DBfB| DBfB {d}cAFA|GABc dbag|fd cA BGGA|\ B2 fB gafd|Bdfd {d}cAFA|\ B2 ~B2 fB ~B2|* E:11 {d}BAFG AGGA|B2 fB FBfB|\ DBfB {d}cAFA|GABc dbag|fdcA BGG|]** \bigskip