Reel (199)
X:2 T:Untitled T:Reel [199] N:AEae Reel #6 on the Grandy Project site. S:Grandy Fagnan (1902-1986, Camperville, Manitoba) M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel N:AEae tuning (fiddle). N:The first strain of the tune, as Grandy plays it, is of indeterminate length. D: D:Falcon Productions FP 003, Anne Lederman & Ian Bell - "Old Man's Table" D:(2015, 3rd tune of “Key Change Set") D: Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:A SEG|"*"AGAB AGEG|AGAB AGEG|AGA2 BAdc| BAGA BGEG| AGA2 A2 EG|AGA2 E2FG|AG A2 AGEG|A2A2 AEFG| AGA2 B-Adc|BAGA BAFG|AG A2z2|| K:Ador ([Ac][AB][Ac])d e2d2|([Ac][AB][Ac])A ec"3"A2|([Ac][AB][Ac])d eged|[M:6/4].e2 ge d^c=c>d ^cA A2| [M:C|]([Ac][AB][Ac])d e2d2|([Ac][AB][Ac])A ec"3"A2|([Ac][AB][Ac])d eged|.e2 ge d^c=c>d |^cA AG A2S||| P:Scordatura playing note: Anchor the 3rd finger on the 'A' note on the 3rd string (the 'G' note in standard tuning) as much as possible throughout. "*"[AA][GA][AA][AB] [AA][GA][EA][GA]|etc.