Annotation:Uncle Jim (2)
X:1 T:Uncle Jim [2] S:Harmonica player Stella Plourde (Carleton-sur-mer, Gaspé), via Devon Leger M:6/8 L:1/8 N:Swing the eight notes a bit N:Originally played in key of 'C' D:Stella Plourde - "Paysages sonores d'une Gaspésie acadienne" F: Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:D F2G||SA3AFA|dcB A2G-|FGA F2A|E3 EFG| JA3 AFA|dcB A2G-|FDF ECE|D3 DEF| A3AFA|dcB A2G-|FGA FGA|E3 EFG| JA3 AFA|dcB A2G-|FAF ECE|D3 D2A,-|| D2D DEF|E3 E2C-|E2E EFG|F3 F2E| FEF GFG|AGA B2A|FAF ECE|1D3D2A,:|2 D3 DFGS||
UNCLE JIM [2]. French-Canadian, Jig (6/8 time). Canada, Gaspe Peninsula (Quebec). C Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. This album is a testament to the singing and playing tradition found in the Acadian communities of the Gaspé Peninsula. It includes 20 songs and 19 instrumental pieces (total duration of 75:06 min.) and is the result of research conducted by Mario Forest between the fall of 2004 and the spring of 2006 as part of the “Témoignages vivants” project. The instrumental repertoire traced during his meetings with local musicians is strongly influenced by the Down East style popularized by the radio show Don Messer and his Islanders (1944) and later by the television show The Don Messer Jubilee (1959).