Lady Flashdash Hornpipe
X: 1 T:Lady Flashdash,aka. JMP.036 T:Back of the Haggard,aka. JMP.036 T:Kershaw's Hp.,aka. JMP.036 M:2/4 L:1/16 Q:1/4=90 C:"40" S:John Miller MS. Perth, 1799.(for the fife) R:.Hornpipe O:Scotland A:Perth N:'Blacks Hornpipe -.Derry' - Londonderry, presumably. And there is N:another title written over 'Blacks' in a different writing - could be N:Houldens Hornpipe..CGr...aka Duke's Hp., aka Kershaw's Hp. H:1799 Z:vmp.C. Graebe F: K:D Major "_Key in MS is Gmajor"A2 | dfdf ecAc | dBGB AFDF |\ GBAc Bged | dcBc A2dc |! dAA2 ecc2 | gefd aAB^c |BdGB AGFE | D2D2 D2:|! |: A2 | dAdA FAFD |BGEG BGdB | gefd ecdB | ce2d cBAG |! FdTd2 GeTe2 | AfTf2 | BgTg2 | afdf Bgec | d2d2d2 |]
X:2 T:Lady Flashdash, aka. JC.254 T:Back Of The Haggard,The, aka. JC.254 R:Hp S:John Clare,Poet,Helpstone (1793-1864) N:Has also aquired the name "Kershaw's HP" more recently off Jamie N:Knowles due to it's untitled appearance in the Joseph Kershaw MS. CGP. O:England A:Northamptonshire Z:vmp.P. Headford M:C| L:1/8 Q:2/4=90 F: 2012-06-18 000454 UT K:D " qu"A2|\ dfdf ecAc|dBGB AFDF|EGFA Gged|c2A2A2" qu"A2|! dAA2" qu"eA"qu"A2|fefg aAA2|BdGB AGFE|D2D2 D2:|! |:" qu"A2|dAdA FAFD|BGDG BGdB|gefd edcB|cded cBAG|! Fdd2 Gee2|Aff2 Bgg2|afdf gedc|d2d2 d2:|