Atholl Braes
Not a version of "Athole Brose." Printed in the Drummond Castle Manuscript (sometimes called Duke of Perth MS because it is inscribed "A Collection of Country Dances written for the use of his Grace the Duke of Perth by Dav. Young, 1734." In the early 1970's the MS was in the possession of the Earl of Ancaster at Drummond Castle.
Printed sources: Alburger (Scottish Fiddlers and Their Music), 1983; Ex. 17, p. 388. Seattle (Great Northern/William Vickers), 1987, Part 2; No. 376.
X:1 T:Atholl Brae M:4/4 L:1/8 S:William Vickers music manuscripts (Northumbria, 1770) K:G d|B2AG Bc/d/ ef/g/|BAGB AA/A/ Ad|B2 AG B/c/d eB|AFDB G/G/G G:| |:f/g/|gdBg dgdB|g/f/e/d/ Bg f2 A/c/f|g/f/e/d/ Bg dgdB|c/B/A/G/ FA G/G/G G:| |:c|BGBG BG B/c/d|BG B/c/d g2A2|BGBG BG B/c/d|D2 DB G/G/G G:| |:B|Gg g/f/e/d/ Bg g/f/e/d/|BgDg f2 Af/g/|g/f/e/d/ Bg dgdB|c/B/A/G/ FA G/G/G G:|
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