Lord Eglinton (2)
X:1 T:Lord Eglinton's Reel [2] M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel S:McGlashan - Reels (c. 1786) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:Bb B|FB d/c/B FBDB|FB d/c/B cCCB | FB d/c/B FBDB | E>GF>E DB,B,B | FB e/d/c/B/ FB DB|FB e/d/c/B/ cCCB | FB e/d/c/B/ FBDB | Gedc dBB || f|d>fBf dfbf|dfBd cFFf|dfBf dfbf|Gedc dBBf| d/f/f B/f/f dfbf|d/f/f B/f/f cFFf| gecg fdBf | ecAe dBB ||
X:2 T:Lord Eglinton's Reel [2] S:Petrie's Second Collection of Strathspey Reels and Country Dances &c. Z:Steve Wyrick <sjwyrick'at'astound'dot'net>, 6/5/04 N:Petrie's Second Collection, page 8 L:1/8 M:C R:Reel K:Bb B|FB (d/c/B) FBDB|FB (d/c/B) cCCB|FB (d/c/B) FBDF|E(GTF>E) DB,B,:| % Petrie shows the last 2 notes in the last measure above % as C naturals, but this doesn't match the chords in the bass line -SW f|dfBf dfbf|dfBd cFFf|dfBf dfbf|G(eTd>c) dBBf| dfBf dfbf|dfBd cFFf|gecg fdBf|ecAe dBB|]