Comet (2) (The)
COMET [2], THE. AKA - "Comet Clog." AKA and see "The Black Swan," "Doctor Peter's," "Down the Glen," "The Glengesh," "Minnie Foster," "Mrs. Minnie Foster." Irish, American; Hornpipe or Clog. F Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AA'BB. As "Minnie Foster" it appears in Ryan's Mammoth Collection (1883) and as "Down the Glen" in Allen's Irish Fiddler. Sean McGuire recorded it as "The Black Swan." In parts of County Donegal it is known as "Dr. Peters" and "The Glengesh."
Source for notated version: obtained from fiddler Paddy Killoran [O'Malley].
Printed sources: O'Malley (Luke O'Malley's Collection of Irish Music), 1976; No. 114, p. 57. White's Unique Collection (1896), No. 145, p. 26 (listed as "Comet Clog").
X: 2
T: Comet Clog
M: C|
L: 1/8
S: White's Unique Collection (1883), No. 145
Z: AK/Fiddler's Companion
R: Clog
K: F
(A<.B) | (c>.F)(A>.c) d>FB>d | c>FA>c f>ef>^f | g>ce>g b>ea>g |
(3fef (3gfd c>AB>=B | c>FA>c d>FB>d | c>FA>c f>ef>^f | g>eb>g e>cB>G |
F2A2F2 :: (e>f) | (g>.c)(e>.g) b>eg>b | a>Ac>f aA>f>a | g>c'=b>a a>gf>d |
C2c'2 c>A,B,>=B, | (3C=B,C A,>C F>Ac>^c | (3d^cd D>F B>df>b |
a>cf>a e>gc>e | [A2f2]a2[A2f2] :|
X: 1 T: The Comet [2] M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q: 325 S: Luke O'Malley vol 1 Z: Transcribed by Bill Black R: hornpipe K: F (3AB=B | cFAc dFBd | (3cdc Ac fef^f | gceg bcag | (3fgf ef c2 (3AB=B| cFAc dFBd | (3cdc Ac fef^f | gebg ecBG |1 (3FAc (3fac' f'2 :|2 F2 A2 F2 || |: (3ef^f | gceg beag | fAcf a2 g^f | gc'=ba (3gag (3fed |(3ceg (3c'ge c2 (3A,B,=B, | (3C=B,C A,C FAc^c |