Jackey Layton

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Jackey Layton  Click on the tune title to see or modify Jackey Layton's annotations. If the link is red you can create them using the form provided.Browse Properties <br/>Special:Browse/:Jackey Layton
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 Theme code Index    G.15535353
 Also known as    Jack/Jackie/Jacky Latin/Latten, Jockey Latin, Jaque Latin, Jackey Layton, Jack Leighton, Jennie Rock the Cradle, Jock o’ Latin, Jockey Layton
 Composer/Core Source    
 Region    England
 Genre/Style    English, Irish
 Meter/Rhythm    Country Dance, Reel (single/double)
 Key/Tonic of    G
 Accidental    1 sharp
 Mode    Ionian (Major)
 Time signature    4/4
 History    England/North East"England/North East" is not in the list (IRELAND(Munster), IRELAND(Connaught), IRELAND(Leinster), IRELAND(Ulster), SCOTLAND(Argyll and Bute), SCOTLAND(Perth and Kinross), SCOTLAND(Dumfries and Galloway), SCOTLAND(South Ayrshire), SCOTLAND(North East), SCOTLAND(Highland), ...) of allowed values for the "Has historical geographical allegiances" property.
 Editor/Compiler    Biography:William Wright, John Peacock
 Book/Manuscript title    Book:Favorite collection of tunes with variations adapted for the Northumberland small pipes violin or flute
 Tune and/or Page number    49/23
 Year of publication/Date of MS    1805
 Artist    Biography:Cut & Dry Band
 Title of recording    Wind in the Reeds: The Northumbrian Smallpipes
 Record label/Catalogue nr.    Topic TSCD 529
 Year recorded    1976
 Score   ()   

<lilybook> \version "2.10.33" \header {

   %book = "Peacocks' Tunes"
   composer =  \markup  { \teeny {collected by:} \small {John Peacock (c. 1754 - 1817)} }
   %crossRefNumber = "1"
   %footnotes = ""
   tagline = ##f

} voicedefault = {

%%%% START PASTE AREA  %%%% \key g \major

   	   \time 2/2    	   
   	   \set Staff.instrumentName = \markup{\fontsize #2.1 {"49."}}
   	   \relative c{\repeat volta 2 {
   	   	   g16[^\markup{\fontsize #2.1 { \hspace #0 {\raise #0.5 {Jackey Layton with Variations}}}} a b c] d8 g d8[ b b g']|
   	   	   d8[ b b g'] d4\prall b4\prall|
   	   	   g16[ a b c] d8 g d8[ b b fis']|
   	   	   g8 a, a b c4\prall b8[ a]|\break

\repeat volta 2 { g16[ a b c] d8[ b] e8[ c d b]| g16[ a b c] d8[ b] c4\prall b8[ a]| g16[ a b c] d8[ b] e8[ c d b]| e8[ a, a b] c4\prall b8[ a]|\break } \repeat volta 2 { g'8[ d] b16[ c d b] g8[ d'] b16[ c d b]| g'8[ d] b16[ c d b] d4 b4| g'8[ d] b16[ c d b] g8[ d'] b16[ c d b]| e8[ a, a b] c4\prall b8[ a]|\break } \repeat volta 2 { g16[ a b c] b8[ b] b8[ b b b]| g16[ a b c] b8[ b] d4 b| g16[ a b c] b8[ b] b8[ b b b]| e8[ a, a b] c4\prall b8[ a]|\break } \repeat volta 2 { d16[ e d c] b16[ c d b] d16[ e d c] b16[ c d b]| d16[ e d c] b16[ c d b] d4 b4| d16[ e d c] b16[ c d b] g'16[ fis e d] b16[ c d b]| e8 a, a b c4\prall b8[ a]|\break d16[ e d c] b16[ c d b] d16[ e d c] b16[ c d b]| d16[ e d c] b16[ c d b] d4 b4| c16[ d e c] d16[ e fis d] e16[ fis g e] b16[ c d b]| e8 a, a b c4\prall b8[ a]|\break } \repeat volta 2 { g'4 g8[ g] g[ d] b16[ c d b]| g'4 g8[ g] d4 b| g'8.[ e16 fis8. d16] e8.[ c16 d8. b16]| e8 a, a b c4\prall b8[ a]|\break g'4 g8[ g] g[ d] b16[ c d b]| g'4 g8[ g] d4 b| c16[ d e c] d16[ e fis d] e16[ fis g e] b16[ c d b]| e8 a, a b c4\prall b8[ a]|\break } \repeat volta 2 { g8[ b a c] b8[ d c e]| \stemDown d8[ g \stemUp g, b] \stemNeutral d4 b| g8[ b a c] b8[ d c d]| e8[ a, a a] c4\prall b8[ a]|\break g16[ a b g] a16[ b c a] b16[ c d b] c16[ d e c]| d16[ e fis d] e16[ fis g e] d4 c8[ b]| c16[ d e c] d16[ e fis d] e16[ fis g e] b16[ c d b]| e8 a, a b c4\prall b8[ a]|\break } } } %%%% END PASTE AREA  %%%%


   \context Staff="default"
          \remove "Bar_number_engraver"

} </lilybook>

ABC notation in: Tune Discussion