My Dearie an thou die
Tune annotations
X:1 % T:My dearie if thou die M: L:1/8 R:Air B:Alex. Stuart - Musick for Allan Ramsay's collection of 71 Scots songs (c. 1720, pp. 110-111) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:A (c>B)|A2 E2 (EF)(EC)|E3-F E2 (cB)|A2F2 (FA)(FE)|F3-G F2A2| E2F2 A3c|(BA)(Bc) e3f|(ef)(ec) (dc)(BA)|F3F F2:| |:(A/B/c/d/)|(e3f) (ef)(ec)|e3f e2 (ce)|f3a (fe)(ce)| (f3g) f2 (f/g/)a|e2 (dc) (dc)(BA)|(BA)(Bc) e3f|(e>f)(e>c) (B/c/d/c/) B>A|F3 F2:|]
X:1 % T:My Dearie an ye Die M:C L:1/8 Q:"Slow" B:Oswald -- Caledonian Pocket Companion, vol. 1 (1760, p. 10) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:D Tc>B|A2 E2 (EFA)[Cc]|E3F E2 A>B|(cB)(A^G) F>AFE|F3 G F2 (A>F)| E3F A2 (A/B/c)|T(BAB)c e3f|e>fec {Bc}dcT(BA)|F3G F2:| |:(cd)|e3f (efa)c|T(B>AB)c e2 (ce)|f>^gag(fe)ce|f3g f2 E>F| A3B {AB}c2 T(B>A)|T(BAB)c e3f|e(a/^g/) (f/e/)(d/c/) B(c/d/) T(B>A)|F3G F2:| Tc>B|A2E2 (EF)(ED)|([Cc]E)(AE) ([Cc]E)(AB)|(cB)(A^G) (FA)(FE)|([Cc]E)(AE) ([Cc]E)(AF)| (E^DE)F (A^GA)c|(BAB)c e3f|eaAd c2 T(B>A)|F3G F2:| |:(A/B/c/d/)|e3f efed|ceae (cea)^g|Tf>efa fafe|(cea)e (cea)f| (ea/b/ ^g/a/f/g/ e/f/d/e/ c/d/B/c/)|(A^GAB) {AB}c2 TB>A|Bc (e/a/^g/f/) e(d/c/) (d/B/c/A/)|F3G F2:| |:T(c>B)|A2 (A/B/c) E2 F/^G/A|[A,A][B,B][Cc][Dd] [E2e2] (e>d)|c(B/A/) d(c/B/) {A}T^G3F| F3G F2 (ED)|[Cc]EF^G A2 (Bc)|(dc)(BA) e3f|a(^g/f/) eA e<c T(B>A) F3G F2:| |:(A/B/c/d/)|e2 (f/^g/a) (ABcd)|(e^def) e3d|T(cBce (a^g)(fe)|f3g (fe)(dc)| (d2 f/^g/)a (f/e/d/c/ d/B/c/A/)|(B/d/c/e/ d/f/e/g/) f3^g|a(^g/4f/4) aA (e<c) T(B>A)|F3G F2:|
X:1 % T:My Dearie an thou die M:2/4 L:1/8 S:Aird--Selection of Scotch, English, Irish and Foreign Airs, vol. II (1785) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:C e/d/ | cGGE | G>A G/A/c/d/ | e/d/c/B/ A/B/A/G/ | A3c | G>A c>e | d/c/d/e/ ga | ge f/e/d/c/ | A2 A :| |: e/f/ | g>age | ggeg | a/b/c'/b/ a/g/e/g/ | a2 aA/B/ | c>d ed/c/ | d/c/d/e/ ga | g/a/c'/e/ f/e/d/c/ | A2 A :|
X:2 % T:My dearie, if thou die M:C L:1/8 R:Air B:Songs of Scotland Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:G (BA)|G2D2 D3B,|D3 E D2 (BA)|G2E E3D|E6 G2| D3E G2G2|A3B d2e2|d2B2 (cB) (AG)|E6|| (Bc)|d3e d2B2|d3e d2g2|e3f e2d2|e6 g2| d2B2 (cB)(AG)|G3A B2e|d2B2 (cB) (AG)|E6||