Madame Renaud

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Madame Renaud  Click on the tune title to see or modify Madame Renaud's annotations. If the link is red you can create them using the form provided.Browse Properties <br/>Special:Browse/:Madame Renaud
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 Theme code Index    1353 5L31H7
 Also known as    Mrs. Renault's Reel, Reel de Madame Renaud, Reel de Madame Renault
 Composer/Core Source    Biography:Joseph Allard
 Region    Canada
 Genre/Style    Québécois/Acadian
 Meter/Rhythm    Reel (single/double)
 Key/Tonic of    G
 Accidental    1 sharp
 Mode    Ionian (Major)
 Time signature    2/2, 2/4
 History    CANADA(Québec)
 Structure    AA'BB'
 Editor/Compiler    Biography:Richard Carlin
 Book/Manuscript title    Book:The Master Collection of Dance Music for Violin
 Tune and/or Page number    No. 72, p. 49
 Year of publication/Date of MS    1984
 Artist    Biography:Joseph Allard
 Title of recording    Reel de Mme. Renault
 Record label/Catalogue nr.    Victor 263531-b (78 RPM)
 Year recorded    1928
 Score   ()   

Tune annotations

T:Reel de Madame Renaud
S:Caremelle Bégin - from a transcription of Ontario fiddler Dawson Girdwood
|:G2 (BG) dGBG|DGB>d g2 (f>g)|e(A (3cBA) e(A (3cBA)|
(AB)cd (ef)ge|G2 [GB]G [Gd]G[GB]G|DGB>d g2 (f>g)|
a(f ((3gfe f>)de>d|1 (AB)cd e>dB>A:|2 (AB)cd e>d(B>d||
|:(3gag fg dgBg|d>gb>a (gf)e>d|e>[Aa][A^g][Aa] e>[Aa][Ag][Aa]|
(ea) {b/}af (=g>f)(e>f)|(3gag fg d>gB>g|d>gb>a g2 (3efg|
a>fg>e f>de>d|1 A>Bc>d e>dB>d:|2 A>Bc>d edB>A||
T:Madame Renaud
C:Joseph Allard
Z:Transcribed by Bruce Osborne, chords by Steve Fry
"G"G2BG dGBG|DGBd g2fg|"Am"A2cA eAcA|ABcd "D"efge|!
"G"G2BG dGBG|DGBd g2eg|"Am"afge fdec|"D"ABcd "B"BAG2:|!
|:"G"g2fg dgBg|dgba gfed|"A"ea^ga ea^ga|"Am"ecaf "D"gfed|!
"G"g2fg dgBg|dgba gfeg|"D"afge fdec|ABcd "G"BAG2:|!

Tune annotations