Éirí na Gréine
Tune annotations
X:1 % T:Eiry na Greany M:C| L:1/8 R:Air B:Neal – Collection of the Most Celebrated Irish Tunes (1724, p. 4) K:Ador A>BA>G A2 Bd|e2 e>d B3e|dB AG A2 GE|G>BA>G E3E| G>AG>F G2 A>B|d>e d/e/d/B/ d2 ef|gedB G2 A>B|e>dB>A A4:| |:A2 AG A2 Bd|e2 e>B d2 ef|g2 g>e dBAG|a2 ga b2 ag| g>fe>d B/B/B/B/ Be|A/A/A/A/ Ad G/G/G/G/ GB|gedB G2 AB|edBA A4:|]