McDermot Roe
X:1 % T:Mc Dermot Roe M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Air C:Carolan B:Samuel, Anne & Peter Thompson – The Hibernian Muse B:(London, 1787, No. 34, p. 22) N:”A Collection of the most Favorite Compositions of N:Carolan the Celebrated Irish Bard” Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:F c|{B}AFF Acc|f2F fed|(e/f/g)c dcB|Acc {e}f2g| ab/a/g ab/a/g|{g}fdd d2 e/f/|gcg ga/g/f|{f}ec/d/e {e}f2c| {B}AFF c(A/B/c/A/)|F(A/B/c/A/) F2f|{f}ecc d(B/c/d/B/)|(c/B/A/B/c/)A/ G>AG| FAf fFf|gcg afa|{b}agf {f}ece|fFF F3|| GCC GCC|A(F/G/A/F/) BGG|(A/B/c)c (d/e/f)f|(e/f/g)g {f}ece| fc'b (a/b/c'/b/a/g/)|fcf fcf|b(g/a/b/g/) f(d/e/f/d/)|(Bc/d/)g {f}ece| {e}f2F fed|{d}c2A BAG|(A/B/c)c (fg/f/)e|(f3 f3)||